1 - Our Prison Feels Like Home

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He knew what he did was wrong.

He knew what effect it would have on Deku.

But that didn't stop him from typing his name on that website.

Even when he told himself it was probably just some shitty scam, that nothing would come from it, he couldn't deny that a part of him wanted it to be true. That these random extras would burst in through his door in the middle of the night, put him to sleep or whatever, and take him to some town in buttfuck nowhere so he could live out his life the way he's wanted to for years. 

Just him and Deku with no one else in sight. Of course, he wouldn't have come this far without being fucking pushed to it. Ever since they graduated high school, Deku and him have been growing distant. He could fucking feel it. The scheduled coffee hang outs were becoming shorter the more time went on, their texts only having five words minimum, and their contact outside of that nonexistent. 

The worst part is, Ochako Uraraka seemingly becoming closer to Deku in the process, if her posts online are anything to go by. He has no problem with round face in general, but the fact that her and Deku hang out more just pisses him the hell off. 

The spamming of her phone to get details just wastes both their time, because round face has this whole thing about giving him advice about how to deal with his feelings instead of giving him the entire fucking run down of everything her and Deku talk about and do. 

He was going to lose his damn mind if all he had of Deku was the pictures of him on his posts and the fleeting glimpses of his smile when they hung out every three months.

So when he saw the website after scrolling mindlessly through his computer one night, could anyone really blame him?

To be fair, it all sounded like a fucking joke.

(It didn't when he was asked to come into the company's building and fill in mountains of paperwork, or when he was given a huge presentation about the benefits of the program in a conference room filled with desperate extras)

Besides, they didn't even ask for Deku's information or shit like that, so how legit could it even be. He isn't stupid, he would never give away his information to anyone if he thought for even a second it would fuck him over. 

But they didn't even ask for much, and in the moments of whatever the fuck he was feeling, he didn't really give a shit. Just the small hint of hope that Deku and him would be close again was enough.

And now, here he is, having to pretend like he didn't put Deku in this situation when the nerd is throwing shit around and screaming.


He dodges a vase that shatters when it hits the wall right where his head used to be.

"How the hell did we get here?!"

Maybe he'll tell him when he calms down and realizes how good this will be for them.


Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now