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Izuku feels like he's living in a dream. The bliss from it all is enough to wash away most of the guilt he feels about signing Kacchan up for this. But he is so happy that he ended up feeling the same way! He knew that he would eventually! 

He opens his eyes and is met with the sight that he has wanted ever since he moved into that big apartment by himself after high school. Kacchan's chest rises and falls slowly, blonde strands of his hair sticking up in every direction, some strands sticking to his face. 

His arms are at his side, tucked away. The only way Izuku could really describe the position is neat. He turns onto his side as slowly as he can to stare at him properly. The bed is warm due to Kacchans body heat, and it's so nice. 

He realizes how much he hated the cold empty feeling of his bedroom back then. Sure, the job that the famous actor All Might helped him get at a nice model company got him a lot of perks. VIP seating on airplanes, top floor at every hotel, a nice apartment that was too big for just him, all of it. It felt so hollow, but now? 

Kacchans skin is so smooth, so soft looking. He wants to touch it, wants to feel it under his hands. The morning sun softly shines through the white curtains of their room, bathing it in a soft glow. He stays like that for a while, listening to the sound of Kacchans breathing and watching his chest rise and fall. 

Eventually, he feels hunger begin to stir in his stomach, and gets up from the bed. He yawns and stretches, before walking out of the room. He grazes his hand against the clean white walls, looking at their bareness. Soon the space will be filled with picture after picture of their new life together. Picnics, hikes, dinners, everything. 

Just like Kacchan said last night. Just the two of them. He feels a smile form on his face, and he hums as he continues his walk past the living room and into the kitchen. He looks at the calendar of deliveries posted on the fridge and inspects it. 

The normal colors for food and clothing, and... 


He stares at the yellow line on tomorrow's day. For all of the packages he bought from the program, he never saw anything about a yellow color... His mind thinks about what it could be but can't come up with anything. The floor creaks and he turns around.

 Kacchan is standing at the doorway, his face scrunched up slightly as he squints. His shirt is slightly raised, and Izuku burns every muscle he can see to his memory before Kacchan tugs it back down again. 

His hair is a mess, and he roughly rubs the sleep from his eyes, walking towards him. 

"The fuck you doing nerd?" He smiles and looks back at the calendar. 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now