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A light brown tabby tom touched noses to a sparkling white crystal.
He was instantly standing in a starlit forest, shifting his paws.
A white she- cat padded up. Her pelt was as sparkly as the forest.
"Branchfoot." She greeted him.
"Waterheart!" Branchfoot exclaimed. "I didn't expect to see you!"
Another brown tabby appeared beside Waterheart.
"You won't know who I am, Branchfoot," The she- cat purred. "but I received a message many moons ago, and Waterheart is here to share it."
"Thank you, Leafheart." Waterheart dipped her head in respect. "As Leafheart said, she received a message.
Moons upon moons ago, there were these cats called the Shadowcats. They caused much destruction and fear among the clans.
Starclan sent a message to the medicine cat-" She gestured to Leafheart. "-that said:
When the sun casts its light, shadows appear, but when the clouds block the light, the shadows disappear.
Nothing can calm the rising storm..."
"So that's what you meant just before you died!" Branchfoot realized. "Sun, light, shadows, disappear, calm, storm, it was part of a prophesy!"
"But why are you telling me this now?"
"The Shadows are rising again."
"Should I tell Stonestar?" Branchfoot looked around wildly.
"No." Leafheart answered. "Starclan will tell him when the time is right."
"But now I must give you another prophesy." Waterheart continued. "It connects with the first one. Remember them both forever.
Nothing can calm the rising storm, but lost must be found for hope..."

In the light of the moon, two cats sat on the roof of a shed. One grey and black she- cat with dark spots, and the other a grey she- cat with white toes.
"Miss your kit?" The grey and black one asked, licking her younger sister's head.
"Yes." She nodded. Her white paws were glowing in the moonlight. "Oh Hawk." She blinked up at the stars. "Do you think she's still alive?"
"I'm sure she is." Hawk comforted. "She's strong."
"But what if she drowned?"
"I doubt it."
"How would you know?"
"I'm older than you, Snowshoe. I have seen more things in my lifetime than you have."
Snowshoe closed her eyes.
A grey kitten flashed in her vision.
The small kit- much bigger and stronger than the last time Snowshoe had seen her- was running through a field.
Her face was determined, walking to a place she didn't know for sure existed, but was willing to find out.
"My kit!" Snowshoe exclaimed. "My kit is coming home!"

The Rising Storm: #2 Lost memoryWhere stories live. Discover now