🩷🖤Chapter 1🖤🩷

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(A/N: Hey guyyyyyssss first chapter and i wanted to give you a KPOP (obvi) finish the lyrics challenge before you start reading).

Here it is

Nah you dont wanna be on my bad side

Thats right im slidin' through

Bunch of wannabes that wanna be me

Me three if i was you .........

(Comment the name of the song and finish the verse)

Jennies pov-

TW: child abuse

(this is when the girls were in the orphanage they got adopted in)

Another kid got put in this hellhole today her name is Lalisa as soon as the person that dropped her here left, Ms. Frigg, the lady who runs this place dragged her by her ear to her new room we all slept in the same bedroom at night, yes that is right 45 children stuffed in one bedroom, now 46. Suddenly my thoughts got interrupted when-

"Jennie Ms. Frigg wants to see you. She looks mad." Rose- one of my besties yelled.

"What I swear I didn't do anything that woman just hates me for no reason." i replied back scared at what she was going to do to me. I sighed and headed to her office. When i got there and knocked on the door it opened and i was greeted with a slap on the face.

"Come in you little shit." She demanded. I walked in terrified and clutching my face in pain and noticed the new girl looking sadly at me from the corner. "No yesterday i noticed your plate was unfinished, tell me Jennie why did you leave a perfectly good piece of bread on your plate YOU WASTER OF FOOD?" she yelled so loudly i fell to the floor crying.

"Ms if i could have eaten it I would have but it was mouldy as fuck." i replied bot realising i just cussed at her.

"You dare.." she said getting dangerously angry. She went and picked up her metal stick and started to beat the life out of me. I could see Lalisa in the corner crying and begging Ms to stop but she showed no mercy. i didn't understand how anyone could do this to a 6 year old when she was done she sent me back outside with Lalisa and she helped me over to Rose and my other friend Jisoo.

"Omg NINI WHAT HAPPENED!?" Jisoo cryed VERY loudly. Causing three boys to look at her Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi the bullies of this place well Hobi was alright but the others were a bit... I then passed out and fell into Lalisa's arms

Lalisa pov-

Jennie then passed out in my arms

"NINI!!" yelled the blonde haired girl beside me. We all lay her on the ground and then one of the boys who looked at the black haired girl rushed over. "HOBI WTF IS WRONG WITH HER?" the blonde one yelled at the boy.

"Rose i don't know but just calm down" Hobi replied acting way too chill. I lost it when i saw how careless he was being

"HOW CAN SHE FUCKING CALM DOWN HER FRIEND JUST PASSED OUT?!" i yelled uncontrollably. Jennie opened her eyes to see everyone looking at her

"Aishhh fuck off Hobi," Jennie said and Hobi walked off. "I'm fine guys chill."

"Hey New girl." the black haired girl said. "You ok? i'm Jisoo btw."

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