🩷🖤Chapter 4🖤🩷

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Jungkook pov- 

Principal Han walked in and said

"Miss Manoban my office also you Mr Jeon,"

Me and Lisa both followed the guy to his office. When we were there he gestured for us to sit.

"I think you both know why we are here," he said. We just nodded and Lisa then rested her head on my shoulder. "Mr Jeon how did it feel to get hit by the energy?" he asked pushing his glasses up his nose. 

"I don't know i guess it just felt like water, wind, fire, ice, vines, stars, dark energy, lightning and a bunch of cupids arrows- minus the love effect though," i replied completely honest.

"Impossible!" he muttered. "Lisa you, your special," he said.

"No shit sherlock," i said. He just glared at me and continued. 

"Lisa i think you are a Tharizidian," i looked down at her and said in actual shock

"Wait but that's like one in a million years," i said still looking at her 

"Wait you mean I have all the elements?" she asked.

"Well being a Tharizidian is a good explanation because you get your powers when you are 21  and the fact Mr Jeon over here felt all the elements at once," he said. "Well it is settled you are a Tharizidian and congrats you also made it to the elite class,"

"No shit sherlock," i said yet again because it was blindingly obvious as she was basically the most powerful person in the magical universe. Mr Han looked so pissed that his eyes and veins went to the colour ice blue.

"You may leave now," he said. We both went out i slammed the door and we cracked up laughing at my antics with Mr Han. 

Lisa pov-

I stopped laughing when i received a call from Jisoo unnie. 

Lisa talks in bold and Jisoo talks in italics


Yes unnie

Can you tell Jungkook that BTS have come over for dinner and they want him to join 


Also they will sleep over so tell him to stop off at his house and get the stuff he needs to sleep here. 

But unnie we only have one guest bedroom and it only has 3 single beds in it where will they sleep?

We have 4 double beds though

Aishhh fine whatever unnie i'll tell him

Alright i'll see you two lovebirds soon

Shut up unnie 

She then cut the call and i told Jungkook about the dinner and the sleepover and he agreed so we both headed to our mansions I waited for him to get some stuff for the sleepover and we went inside together.


I saw Jin and Jisoo cooking in the kitchen.

"Hello Lisa and kookie," Jennie said cheerfully waving at us maknaes

"Hi unnie," i replied whilst getting two banana milks from the fridge and handing one to bunny. 

"Hi noona, and thanks for the banana milk carrot" he said after taking a sip of his milk. I then spotted Rose with Jimin's head on her lap and she was playing around with his hair whilst deeply staring in each others eyes 

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