🩷🖤CHAPTER 14🖤🩷

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(A/N: Ah guys here's me literally running on caffeine about to write this I also wanna say thanks to 


for the serious motivation otherwise I would've just fell asleep and forgotten about it. Gcses are such a bitch and being 16 is even more of a bitch anyways i'm sorry if this is a bit short but I can't really help it since I need to go grocery shopping lol).

Yoongi POV

After Namjoon had been creepy and told us about the storm signal we all feasted on the ramyeon. 

"Jin hyung the school just emailed us, they told us to get over there, and they're sending a small shuttle bus around to pick us up," Taehyung said waving his phone in Jin hyung's face. 

"Well you guys put your dishes away and we'll get some Jackets on and wait for the bus to come around," Jisoo said. We all did as told. As I was zipping up my coat the bus pulled up. We carefully made our way on making sure the rain didn't burn us in any way. I found a seat in the corner to sleep in. All was going well and I just about to fall asleep before...

"Hey hyung, can I sit here," Hobi said popping up out of nowhere. I just nodded not caring about where he wanted to sit. He sat beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist leaning on my shoulder. 

I slowly fell deeper into the pit of sleep before...

"Okay guys we're here," Namjoon announced. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bus and through the entrance of the school. the teachers told us to make way over to the arena. 

In the arena we found some seats. Me being in between Namjoon and Jin and sitting on Hobi's lap.

I watched as Mr Han was pulling down a huge screen which a projector was projecting on. As the last group of people filed into the back row that being aespa, Mr Han started his speech.

"As you all know this school has been running for years, longer than i've been alive it has been here for a good millennium or so, anyways sadly just the way the magical world works we have to face Iony's miracle which takes place after every 500 years, you guys may be thinking, it's called a miracle how come it's not a good thing, you see the use of the word miracle here is a misnomer, it is signalled to happen after a Letighu storm and we need to be prepared. There will be an attack from several different types of magical creatures all part of Iony's army, Amongst the army there will be 11 pixies each holding their own riddle to stop the miracle from taking over earth and exposing all magic to humans, I have nominated 11 of my elite students to take care of one of the pixies riddles each and I've sent out a private email to them for them to come to my office after, please don't panic as the school goes into lockdown," Mr Han said changing the slides as he spoke. 

Then the woman who manages the dorm arrangements came up and said, "Children please don't wory about where you'll be sleeping we do have on campus dorms, not as nice as your lovely mansions but a good filler for now, there will be 10 or 11 per dorm and it's mixed gender, any harassment will be taken very seriously, in the dorms you will have an alarm to alert us if something breaks in so everyone can evacuate to this very arena you need to be on top of your game. Now Dorm rules:," The woman droned on. Everyone groaned at the mention of rules.

"No smoking, not even pixie dust, lights out 10 warden will check if you are sleeping by 11, No parties, You are NOT allowed in anyone else's dorm at all, No sex I don't wanna hear the complaints we can't deal with these things right now, and finally no-one shall join Iony's army at all," she finished off before leaving.

The headmaster came back on "The dorm lady was being a bit strict, there is no lights out and you can have parties but don't be too loud, but please don't do the frickle frackle and no smoking I may allowed pixie dust later on and please don't join Iony's army." the pricipal finished and dismissed us to our dorms which had also been emailed to us but first we had to meet up with him about the whole riddle thingy since he'd nominated us. 

Honestly I just want to sleep. 

"Seokie can you carry me to the principals office please," I whispered to him as everyone started leaving.

"Fine, fine," he said smiling. he hoisted me over his shoulder and carried me out.

(A/N: The way I just planned that whilst writing I was not expecting it to go this way either, anyways I updated like 2 hours early but wtv.

 Anyways today I was playing dress to impress on roblox and the theme was doctor and I had made a really preppy outfit but there was this girl who was just copying everything I did and whilst I was making the outfit I didn't bother telling her to stop because it would waste my time I told her at the end but then she was like "Ohhh why did you copy me" and i was like "What are you talking about I didn't even copy you" and she was like "walla** (i don't wanna say it cuz I ain't muslim) i didn't copy her" and then everyone else started believing her because she said walla** and blamed me and in the end she got ranked first with the outfit she copied off me and I was last cuz everyone believed I copied her, 😭 why are people this way

You know who I am and if you come across this story somehow istg gtfo 🔪🔪🔪✨✨

Anyways im sorry you had to read that,



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