🩷🖤Chapter 8🖤🩷

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Jimin pov-

Me and Chae went out of the canteen as she requested to talk to me. She led me to an empty classroom. She faced me and I signed to her to start talking.

"Ok i'm just gonna spit it out JiminIloveyou," Chae said very quickly.

"Oh..." I replied not really knowing what to say. You see the feeling was mutual but I still wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I accidentally in a trance seduced her with my powers.

"Here's the thing with my flame powers is I get waves of emotions of people and from you I got the same love as mine and slight doubt and worry," She said calmly. "So I wanted to see if we could figure out a way around your problem cause i ain't gonna lie Ireallywannadateyou," she said the last bit blushing.

"Well.. You see..." I hesitated but seeing her calm smile I decided I could trust her. "You know my power is love right? So sometimes if I get turned on (A/N: Sorry 😅) I go into this trance and might accidentally seduce you and I really don't want to do anything to you cause once in the trance i'm unstoppable until I get what I want," 


"Wh-wait-ok-hu-" I tried to find a way to reply to her.

"Shit my fire side went crazy," she muttered. "I guess we both have our own problems," she said sadly walking out before I pulled her into my arms and planted another kiss onto her pretty pink lips. 

I broke away still holding her "Then lets help eachother with those issues," she smiled and gave me a kiss on my nose. "Chaengiee will you be my girlfiend?" i asked.

"Ah, ahm, let me think," she said breaking away and putting on a thinking face. 

"Chaengiieee don't tease meee," I said to her in an annoyed voice. 

"I'm just kidding, yes, of course," she said. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the canteen. "YAHHH YOU PABO PUT ME DOWNNN!!" she yelled flailing her arms desperately as we entered the canteen and everyone was staring at us but I don't give a shit.

Namjoon hyung waved and told us to hurry up on our journey to the table. Once we finally made it to the table I made her sit on my lap despite her denial. 

Both Kook and Lisa were wide-mouthed staring at us "W-what hap-pened?" Lisa asked still shocked. 

"You tell them," she whispered into my ear.

"Nah you can do it," I whispered back.

"Ok seriously what happened?" Tae asked with slight anger hinted through his voice.

"You guys know when me and Yoongi hyung went to the bathroom?" Hobi hyung said with a mishevious smirk painted over his and Yoongi hyungs faces. Everyone except me, Chae, Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung nodded. "We actually followed Jimin and Chaeng, and I recorded it," he said rubbing his palms together in excitement. Both me and Chaeng looked at eachother with horrifyed expressions. Hobi pulled his phone out and showed them the clip he had taken.

"Woahhh Chaeng is scary!" Jin said in shock.

"Congrats baby mochi!!" Hobi chorused with Yoongi. I went red and i could feel it burning on my cheeks. Me and Chae painfully smiled through all the smiles. 

"This is what happens when you are the last couple," Chae joked with me. I giggled and smiled Kookie's still mind blown face.

"I feel single again," Namjoon said sadly.

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