🩷🖤Chapter 9🖤🩷

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Jisoo POV:

All four of us went back to the mat I had brought and settled down. Jimin and Chaeng were done with their "thing" and the maknaes seemed to have figured it out because Lisa was now wearing Jungkook's shirt and they were both just having a normal conversation (rare).

"OKIEEE SOOOOO Maknaes chocolate for you two," I said handing the pair the ice creams.

"Thank you unnie," Lisa said.

"Thank you noona," Jungkook said biting the ice cream like a psychopath (A/N: OMG I actually spelt that right i think...)

"Yahh lovers we got you to bomb pops," Jin said stuffing the two ice lollies into their hands. Chaeng nodded thank you and I smiled back. Then came the arrival of the rapline. Taehyung handed them all their ice cream cones and we all took our own.

"You didn't have to pay Jin," I said to him as I finally finished the sweet treat.

He then dramatically stood up and said. "You are all my children and the money in my bank account is for me to spoil you,"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him but continued to eat.

"Come on Jungkook lets go and swim," Lisa said.

"WOAH WOAH WOAHHHHHHHHHHHH HOLD UP y'all just ate you have to wait before you swim," Jin said.

"Killjoy," Taehyung muttered.

"That killjoy is only trying to prevent you from getting sick so listen to him," Yoongi scolded Taehyung.

"Bunnyyyyyy can at least take off this tee when I swim?" Lisa whined.

"No." Jungkook replied plainly.

"Jungkookie no-one here is planning to take her away from you and you'll be practically stuck to her most of the time so you don't need to worry," Hobi said.

"Aishh is fine but only for swimming," Jungkook said.


Yoongi oppa, Namjoon and Hobi decided to stay and play volleyball but we all ran over to the water.

"Alright people remember no scaring Jen," I reminded everyone. Me and Jin separated out from the others and found a mini island. Jin heaved himself onto the land first and then helped me up onto the land.

"Yah look at the others they're all fighting over something," Jin said pointing at the 6 small figures bobbing around in the water.

"You think we need to break it up?" I asked. He shook his head confidently.

"Let Jimin and Chae deal with it for once we should have a break off parent duty for once," he said.

"You say that like Jimin and Chae are actually responsible," I said to him watching them splash each other with water.

Jin out of nowhere kissed my cheeks making them flush. "That was random." I said to him.

"Are you complaining?" he asked in a fake offended voice.

"Nahh," I said facing his handsome face. Then he smirked and started continously kissing my cheeks so much that we both fell into the water. "YAHHH JIN," I yelled. He was giving out his windshield wiper laugh. The others had swam over.

"What happened here?" Lisa asked. We both blushed furiously.

"You know what they aren't going to spill so lets go back up," Jennie said. Everyone started swimming back up to the shore with the exception of Lisa who was getting a ride from Jungkook.

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