🩷🖤Chapter 5🖤🩷

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Jin pov-

I woke up with Sooya's head on my chest sleeping peacefully. I shook her awake.

"Hmmm?" she hummed as she arose slowly.

"We have college remember," i said. She then shot up and told me to get ready whilst she woke up the others. "Woah chill there's 3 hours," I said wondering why she was in such a rush.

"YAAAHHHH WAKE UPPPPP!!!!" she yelled. I flinched and fell off the bed. "Ah sorry Jinnie," she apologised as I got up rubbing my head. I then heard.

"Ok Jisoo unnie," from Rose.

"Okkkkk," from Lisa. But nothing from Jennie. Jisoo sighed and started to march over to their room.

Jisoo pov-

I burst into Jendeuks room about to yell but then I silenced myself as i saw the both stirring and Taehyung shirtless. I covered my eyes.

"Oh unnie don't get the wrong idea he forgot his pyjama top." Jennie said. I nodded and walked back to my room only to find Jin now shirtless. I covered my eyes again but he took my hand away.

"Yah chill this the first but not last time Sooya get used to it," I nodded and went to the bathroom to get changed

I wore

Jennie wore

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Jennie wore

Jennie wore

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Chae wore

Chae wore

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