🩷🖤Chapter 3🖤🩷

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Winter pov-

Me and my friends were sitting at our table and enjoying lunch in the campus restaurant when the 4 girls we saw earlier walked in everyone stopped eating and stared in absolute silence as they knew the girls had beaten up the 2 toughest guys in the school and got away with it. BTS (well the part that was not in the clinic) gave them a wave/salute and they waved back. Me and my friends did not care though we just got on with our lunch until they came over. The one with bangs said

"Hiii can we sit with you please? my name's Lisa by the way." i looked at the girls and they nodded at me.

"Yeah sure, why not?" i said trying to be an extrovert towards them. They sat down and Lisa introduced the others.

"So this is Jisoo," she said pointing to the girl that talked to us earlier "This is rose," she pointed to the one who was already ordering food at the counter "And this is Jennie," she said pointing to the one who was giving rose a death glare for literally buying a banquet for herself. If looks could kill Rose would be dead.

"Hi i'm Winter i'm 22 and so is Ningning," i said as Ningning waved and smiled

"Karina is the name, Ningning-ah stop it you look like an NPC" i said and then she stopped waving.

"I'm Giselle i'm 23 so is Karina btw Rose can i have some of that bagel please?" giselle said. I chuckled at the two being obsessed with food. Rose then gave her some of the bagel and smiled with her cheeks full (her mouth was not open don't worry).

"Now i'm going to get a SENSIBLE amount of food, anyone coming?" Lisa asked. We all shook our heads.

Lisa pov-

I went over to the lady at the counter and said

"Hi Miss can i please have a bowl of bulgogi please? oh and banana milk," i asked.

"Lucky girl you got the last banana milk," she said as she handed me my food

"No I did," said a voice. I turned around and saw Taehyung (Jennies crush and bias) standing in front of me standing in front of me. As i was internally freaking out i managed to to say.

"What dd-d'you mm-me-mean i'm bb-buying t-t-this banan-na mi-milk," damn Lisa why are you stuttering i thought.

"Chill out all i need is the banana milk for my maknae and then you can go," then i felt Jennie come over.

"Do we have a problem here, honey?" she asked in her dangerous cutesy voice.

"No," he said slightly blushing at the nickname and walking back to his table with his own food.

"Thanks Jen. Girlll i think your bias was blushing at youu" i taunted her as she walked away I paid for the meal and just as I was passing Twice a BAD group of aqua element girls (A/N: Yes the bad side goes the college too and then at the end of the college experience they get to decide whether to stay bad or go to the good side the same thing can happen to good side but vice versa)

"What is your problem stealing OUR boyfriends," said Nayeon (A/N: yes these guys are also a group so Lisa obvi knows their names also no hate on twice).

"Your problem, not mine," i said knowing for a fact that I have NOT tried to steal anyone's boyfriends today. I then started walking but got stopped when Momo said

"Yes it is why does my Kookie oppa keep looking at you huh and blushing,"

"Well its not my problem that YOUR boyfriend over there seems to think i'm hotter than you Momo, I used to like your music you know but i guess the slut inside you has remove a loyal fan," i tried walking away AGAIN but was stopped AGAIN by Sana who slapped me across my face causing me to drop my tray of food and for me to fall all over the mess the food had created, dirty my clothes and when my head hit the floor I passed out.

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