🩷🖤Chapter 10🖤🩷

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Just a question... 

What's your fave BTS song?

What's your fave BP song?

I like HYLT (HowYouLikeThat) and Run BTS/Love Maze 

Also I will not be using the word "oppa" anymore because I genuinely don't like using the word also would appreciate if you didn't go too crazy with it in the comments as well 

Thanks 💜 Authornim Saranghaeyo



Chaeyoung pov-

"MMMMMMMMM THAT FOOD WAS GUUUD!" I groaned stretching out over the couch.

"Yah Chaeng unnie why did you eat so much Jimin looked honestly concerned?" Jennie asked me.

"Gosh Jen haven't you learnt this girl will stuff her face until the buttons on her freaking shirt burst aish," Jisoo said heading upstairs to change. 

"YAH! Jisoo unnie," I yelled at her. 

"Unnies an email came through saying we'll have our first potions lesson tomorrow and we need to bring lab coats, goggles and a hair tie if our hair is longer than our shoulders," Lisa said.

"Well that means extra preparation ugh," Jennie groaned. 

"Get into your pyjamas children," Jisoo said (pyjamas are the same as before).

Jisoo pov- 

I came back downstairs after changing and sent the photos I'd taken to our ot11 groupchat so everyone could have them. After I prepared a strawberry smoothie for me and Jennie because thats just what we do before bed. 

"CHAEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I yelled louder then Jin. "SMOOTHIESSS!" 

Chae arrived in her nightwear and said in a hushed tone "Shut up the other two are sleeping unnie and so is everyone else," 

"Oh uhm sorry," I scratched my nape and pushed a glass in her hands "I have extra lets have a round two?" I asked.

She nodded whilst retrieving a straw. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I went to the door and saw Yoongi and Hobi behind it. 

"I heard the word smoothies," Yoongi said. "And I smell strawberries,"

"We have spares come in," Chae said from the kitchen.

"Thanks Jichuu," Hobi said. "Hyung look there's curly straws." Hobi jumped up and down excitedly. 

I poured the extra smoothie for the boys and we all just chilled on the couches. 

"You know we have potions tomorrow?" Yoongi asked. 

"Yeah my and unnie bought matching denim lab coats I don't know what those children did," Chaeng said. 

"Yah Jennie is still older than you, honorifics need to hear it in Spanish      h o n o r í f i c o s," Yoongi said.

"Hyung you never even use honorifics with Jin hyung shut up," Hobi said.

"You know I heard Yoongi's pretty savage I wanna see Jen and him have an arguement," Jisoo

"Oh yes hyung is the savagest you will ever meet," Hobi said. 

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