|Chapter 9|

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Chapter Nine:

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Chapter Nine:

Weeks had passed since Giyu's battle-induced injuries had confined him within the walls of the Butterfly Mansion.

The days stretched ahead, monotonous and filled with the tedium of recovery.

He found himself trapped in a cycle of bedridden existence, a stark contrast to the life he was accustomed to as a Demon Slayer.

(Y/N) Rengoku's presence was like a fleeting breeze, coming and going as the demands of her responsibilities allowed.

She wasn't tasked with his direct care, but her visits remained a bright spot in Giyu's otherwise mundane days.

He often found himself looking forward to those moments when she entered his room, her warm smile and the cheerful chatter of the Kamaboko squad accompanying her.

Their presence brought life to the room, a break from the solitude that had enveloped him. He found joy in their interactions, even though (Y/N) herself didn't engage in conversation as much as he'd hoped.

Still, the sound of her laughter and the occasional exchanges they had were enough to light up his days.

In the quiet moments that stretched between their visits, Giyu couldn't help but let his mind wander.

He found himself drawn to the memory of (Y/N)'s voice, the timbre and cadence that were uniquely hers.

It was a gentle balm for his restless thoughts, a soothing presence that he found himself longing for.

And yet, within the depths of his consciousness, there lingered a sense of guilt-a shadow that whispered reminders of the past.

He was acutely aware of the connection he had with Kyojuro Rengoku, the man who had been not only his comrade but a dear friend.

The thought of harboring feelings for (Y/N) felt like a betrayal, a breach of the unspoken bonds they had shared.

In the hushed stillness of the night, a knock at the door disrupted Giyu's thoughts. He shifted his gaze towards the entrance, caught off guard by the interruption.

Before he could utter a word, the door swung open, revealing (Y/N) with a tray in her hands. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, the soft glow of the room casting a warm aura around her.

With a small, apologetic smile, (Y/N) entered the room, her footsteps quiet against the floor.

"I hope I'm not intruding," she said gently, her eyes meeting Giyu's.

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