Battle on the bridge, Zabuza returns!

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Third point of view

Sakura stretched, yawning as Tazuna passed by her, carrying some wood.

"You always this lazy?" He asked the genin.

"Where's that weird red head and the one with the attitude?" He asked further.

"They're training. climbing trees." Came Sakura's answer.

"And, too hard for you?" He chuckled.

"No in fact i'm the best!" Sakura arrogantly stated as Tazuna scoffed in disbelief, making her angry.

This was going to be a long day for the two of them...

*Koi's and Sasuke's training*

Koi laid on the floor panting, hands stretched next to her, her rabbit Naruto following her every move.

"Why is it so hard??" Koi yelled, still breathless.

Sasuke was crouching beside her, panting as well.

They looked at each other, clenched their teeth in determination and once again ran at the trees.

I'm not gonna lose to you.. Koi thought as she marked the tree.




The sun has already set, but the two genin were still training.

Koi suddenly lost balance, falling down, landing on her legs that buckled making her fall to her knees.

She breathed hard as she looked up at Sasuke who was still climbing.

Sasuke's leg hit the bark of the tree, leaving a dent and making him fall backwards.

Koi noticed he was falling straight at her, but before she could move, he fell at her.

"Augh!" Koi grunted as Sasuke panted, his head on Koi's stomach while she was laying on her back.

They were both too exhausted to argue.

"This again.." She grunted in pain.

"Now you know how i felt." The Uchiha said, remembering what happened earlier.

"Stupid Sasuke.."

"You're catching up to me centimeter by centimeter.." Sasuke commented in a slightly annoyed tone that she was almost as good as him at this.

"Heh, i'll soon beat you teme." She said, grinning while looking at the sky, hands behind her head as a pillow for the hard ground.

"Hn, you wish." Sasuke smirked, staring at the sky as well.

"Ne Sasuke-teme?" Koi started as Sasuke scoffed at his nick name.

"What is it dobe?" He asked curious.

"Why are you using my stomach as your pillow?" She asked glancing at him.

Sasuke slightly blushes, getting off of her stomach and looking to the side.

"It's soft, like Choji." He smirked as Koi got an angry vein popping on her forehead before jumping up and yelling at him.


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