The number one hyperactive ninja joins the fight!

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Guys! Sorry for not updating T.T
But, i'm feeling really conflicted.
Should Haku and Zabuza live?
Or should they die?
Help! >.<
Also i would like to dedicate this chapter to all of my readers, thank you for reading and please forgive me for not updating so long.


Third point of view

"Ha! Now that i'm here everything will be alright!" Koi yelled as the mist slightly cleared.

"Koi!" Sakura yelled in happiness.

"You know how in stories the hero usually shows up at the last minute and then saves the squad? Well that's what i'm gonna do 'ttebane!" Koi yelled while grinning.

This brat again.. Zabuza thought.

Shut up Koi. Sasuke thought while deadpanning at his teammate.

What an idiot, if she just stayed hidden, she could have been so much more effective. Kakashi sweat dropped.

That girl... Haku though as Koi made a hand sign.
Before she could finish the jutsu, Zabuza threw kunai knifes straight at her.
"No, Koi move!" Kakashi yelled as Koi looked up in surprise.
Just before the kunai's made contact, Haku deflected them with senbon needles, shocking everyone.
"The weapons cancelled each other out, amazing , now that's what i call lucky." Tazuna commented as Kakashi narrowed his eyes at Haku.
"I don't think that's the case.." Kakashi announced while curiously staring at the young boy, still keeping his guard up.
"Haku, what is the meaning of this?!" Zabuza harshly asked.
"Zabuza-san, let me deal with them my way." Haku asked for permission and Zabuza grunted.
"As always, you are too soft Haku..But so be it." Zabuza answered before reverting his gaze back to Kakashi.
The two jonin resumed their fight, trusting their students to protect themselves.
Sasuke noticed Haku's attention on Koi, and using it to his attention, aimed two kunai knifes at Haku.
With a pained grunt and a flick of the wrist the kunai's cut through the air, flying straight at Haku.
And just in the last second, Haku deflected them with a sigh.
"I didn't forget about you... I was just hoping to fight with the girl first." Were his words.
Finally noticing the ice dome, Koi turned her head and stared at Sasuke in confusion.
"Oi Sasuke, what are you doing in there 'ttebane?" She stupidly questioned as Sasuke sweat-dropped.
"What do you think idiot?" Sasuke sighed in annoyance before raising his guard again.
Observing the situation, Sasuke got an idea.
What if Koi attacks from the outside while i attack from the inside..? That could work!
Just as his hoped went up he felt a pat on his shoulder.
"Hey i snuck in here to help you!" Koi adjusted her goggles and grinned at jaw dropped Uchiha.
Sasuke gaped at his red haired teammate, his eye occasionally twitching. sneak up on your enemy, not your ally.. Kakashi thought with a sigh.
" idiot! You are a ninja! Think a little before doing something!" Sasuke yelled, shaking his head at her.
Haku only observed the scene from the safety of his mirror.
Kakashi sighed from his fight with Zabuza.
"Why are you yelling teme! I came in here to help!" Koi yelled back.
I must say kid..that was a dumb move.
Oh shut up fox!
"Argh! No use in arguing now." Sasuke slapped a hand over his face before looking up at Koi from his crouching position.
The two had a stare-off.
"Koi is building a solid reputation for being the clueless ninja in the world, the more she helps, the worse it gets." Kakashi commented making Koi glare.
"That's it i'm destroying these mirrors right now!" Sasuke yelled making hand signs, determination clear in his eyes.
He inhaled a big amount of air, exhaling a huge fireball at the mirrors.
While executing the jutsu he missed Haku's words 'you need more fire power than that to melt these mirrors'.
Koi stared in amazement at the justu, that didn't even make a scratch in on the mirrors.
"Tch." Sasuke grunted in annoyance.
The mirrors started glowing and Haku threw even more needless at the two.
"Argh!" Koi panted in pain while taking out as many needless as she can.
The two genin only avoided and panted while the needless rained on them.
Meanwhile, Kakashi had discovered that Haku's jutsu was a kekkei genkai.. A bloodline limit passed down the family.
Kakashi's concern for his two students was lagging him down in his fight with Zabuza.
"I couldn't break through.." Koi started gaining Sasuke's and Haku's attention.
"So what, he's not gonna stop me! I'm not giving up and i'm not going to lose! I have a dream and no one's gonna take it away from me!" Koi yelled with new-found determination gaining a smirk from her prodigy teammate.
"Dream..?" Haku whispered as unwanted memories flooded his brain.
"It is difficult for me to become a pure ninja. If it's possible i do not want to kill you, and i do not want to make you kill me. However if you are going to fight me, i will kill my compassion with a blade and become a ninja. This bridge is a battleground that leads to the dreams of many people. I will fight for my dream. And you will fight for your own dream, please do not hold any grudges. I want to protect a precious person. I want to work for him, fight for him and make his dreams come true. This is my dream, and in order to make it come true, i will become a ninja. I will kill you!" Haku explained and raised a needle.
Everyone else just listened to Haku in either confusion or determination, as Koi grinned and Sasuke smirked.
The battle starts now.

"Sasuke-kun, Koi, don't lose to a guy like that!" Sakura yelled at her teammates earning a scolding from Kakashi-sensei.
"They can't defeat that boy." Kakashi spoke surprising Sakura and making Zabuza chuckle.
"They still don't have the mental strength to suppress their emotions and kill someone. That boy knows a ninja's agony quite well. He is different from Koi and Sasuke." Kakashi explained to the shocked Sakura.
"That's correct. A real ninja is not trained in a peaceful village like yours. You can't experience the most important thing to a ninja; the experience of killing." Zabuza agree.
"Then..then what are we going to do sensei?!" Sakura yelled as Kakashi thought of plains in his head.
Kakashi and Zabuza resumed their fight just like until a few minutes ago but Koi and Sasuke were exhausted and hurt.
"I..I'll keep fighting!" Koi yelled as she made more shadow clones and ran at Haku.
"Koi no!" Sasuke yelled, but in vain.
Suddenly he noticed a drop of water in the air; moving in different directions.
He observed the water until he figured it out.
I see! It was faint...But i saw a trace of his movement.
"Shadow clone technique!" Koi yelled again.
"Don't you get it? It's futile."
Sasuke kicked the puddle, sending water in the air and smirked when he achieved a result.
The water was repelled.. Okay. The next time he moves, i'll make my attack! Sasuke thought.
The mist suddenly got so thick you couldn't even see your own hand.
As Haku exited the mirror once more, in order to attack Koi his eyes widened.
What.. A fire jutsu?!
Sasuke blew fire when he noticed the water move in an attempt to hit Haku but he only grazed his pants, but he got him.
Sasuke smirked and Koi fell to the ground beside him.
Good, it's slow, but i'm getting the timing right.
He tracked my movement? No, that can't be..
Haku observed the Uchiha.
"Damn it! We almost got him!" Koi sighed and Sasuke turned to her.
"Koi, can you move still?" He aksed.
"Of course i can! I am great!" She immediately yelled but you can see she wasn't.
She's exhausted, the shadow clone technique requires a lot of chakra, but because of her i've found a way to defeat him.
It must have been a fluke.
Haku concluded.
Noticing Haku was preparing for one more attack Sasuke quickly made hand signs and yelled to his comrade. "Koi, run!"
She nodded and started running for the exit but she got pushed back.
"Argh!" She hit the ground and panted.
"Let's do it again."
And so they did until Sasuke got hit with even more needles and fell down.
Koi ran over to him but got hit in the process as well.
"Koi you alright? Don't waste your chakra anymore!"
"I know.." Koi grunted and collapsed.
Crap! This isn't looking good at all! I have to do something! Sasuke gritted his teeth and stood up.
"I will put an end to this now." Haku said throwing even more needles at Sasuke.
However, the unexpected happened and Sasuke picked up one of the senbon needles from the ground and repelled every single one of Haku's attacks.
What?? Haku's eyes widened behind his mask.
"Stand up loser!" Sasuke shook Koi.
"Stop being so annoying!" Koi answered barely standing up, her hair out of her ponytail.
Sasuke successfully kept dodging and repelling Haku's needles and protecting his teammate.
He's fighting me and protecting the girl.. Can he see my movements..? That boy can see something. What is it? Haku though in anguish.
Suddenly Haku disappeared making Sasuke gasp and start looking all around himself.
Where did he go? Sasuke thought as Koi collapsed again.
"You move brilliantly, however i will stop you with the next shot." Haku said appearing behind them in a mirror.
Calm down.. Concentrate. And see through him! Sasuke told himself in anticipation of Haku's next attack.
Just seconds before Haku threw the needles Sasuke picked Koi up and jumped away from the spot where the needles lodged into the ground.
He saw through me! How can that be?
Sasuke let Koi down on the ground and raised his head while panting.
Haku gasped at what he saw.
"Those eyes.. It can't be.." Haku uttered when he saw Sasuke's usual black eyes were now red.. with two tomoes in each eye.
"Sharingan.." Koi gasped from the ground while looking up at Sasuke.


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