Team 7

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Imagine the picture on the side is of Koi, same face paint and pose.


Koi's point of view

I mischievously chuckled to myself while checking my face in the mirror once more.
My goggles secured tightly around my neck, but not to tight.
My headband was neatly placed under the mirror, on a small table.
That was the only neat part of my home, and i want my headband well kept until we get our teams.
Today we were getting our individual pictures taken so other ninjas could identify us or something.. I kind of forgot.
But it doesn't matter, i'll blow their minds with my awesome war paint 'ttebane!
I struck a cool pose by slightly turning my body to the right, my right arm outstretched in front of my body and the left one in the back, both palms open, fingers apart.
I grinned to myself.
Yosh! Now i'm ready!
Heh are you serious kid?The fox chuckled at me... Damn him..
Shut up kyuubi! Hey kyuubi, what's your name anyway? I curiously asked the demon.
I'll give it to you when you earn my respect.. Now shut it and just go take the damn picture... It growled... Wow he's not so friendly..
I know i shouldn't like him, i mean he destroyed my village and brings fear to the villagers!
But his presence makes me feel... like i'm not alone, welcoming even.
I snapped out of my thought remembering i'm gonna be late if i don't hurry up.

"Uhh.. Are you sure you want this as your picture? There's no re-do's you know?" The photographer asked me while sweat-dropping at my awesome pose.
Yeesh what is with this man.. He has no understanding for art at all!
"Yeah yeah, just take the picture you geezer!" I grumbled at the man who sighed but took the picture anyway.
I happily skipped home, thanking the man before leaving to wash the paint off so i can go train!
After i've washed it, i examined myself in the mirror.
Hmm... Maybe i should wear my goggles on my eyes? After all they are meant to be there..
With my new resolve i placed the big goggles over my eyes.
Wow i looked good!
The goggles had purple outlines, but the part which i look through was really light purple, so i looked even cooler than before! *who else wore goggles and wanted to be Hokage when he was a kid~ *
But where should i wear my headband now? There is not so much space left on my forehead now..
Uh i know! Around my arm!
But not yet.. I wait for the teams to be picked and then shall i wear it proudly 'ttebane!"

"Retake it." Gramps ordered blowing some smoke out of his pipe.
"But why? It's amazing and artistic 'ttebane!" I yelled back while motioning for my picture that highly stood out from other photos of my classmates.
As gramps was explaining something boring i thought of a really good plan!
"Sexy no jutsu!" I exclaimed doing the correct hand signs, and in a puff of smoke i was the older naked version of myself with two pigtails begging the Hokage to let me keep that photo.
Ha! The old men got a nosebleed and agreed! That old pervert....
After i poofed back we resumed arguing but were interrupt by what i think is a battle cry.
A brown haired kid with a helmet ran into the room, exclaiming he will beat gramps and then tripped over his own scarf.
Gramps sighed while i silently watched the kid stand up and wobble a little.
"You! You must have tripped me!" The accused me pointing a finger.
"You tripped over your own scarf you idiot." I explained in monotone voice.
"No! It was you!" He accused once more and i've had it with him.
I was about to hit him when a shady looking man with a bandana and black round glasses frantically ran into the room calling out to the kid, addressing him as honorable grandson.
So that's gramps grandchild?
"Ha what now? Won't hit me because i'm the Hokage's grandson?" He asked me raising his nose high in the air.
I scoffed, grabbed his scarf and punched the toothless brat in the face.
"I could care less if he was your grandmother 'ttebane!" My red hair swishing in the air.
After that the kid followed me around all day, i learned his name was Konohamaru.
He called me boss and obviously developed some kind of respect for me and exclaimed he will marry me.
Well the weird day ended and i laid in my bed, to excited for tomorrow.
I will have a team...

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