The graduating exams

5K 168 11

Koi's point of view

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, waking up to birds chirping and sun hitting my face making me groan.
Yosha! Today i finally graduate! I grinned to myself, stretching out with a weird sound coming out of my mouth.
I got out of bed, falling to the floor face first.
I groaned, i really need to clean my room!
Once i take a good look at it, i notice all of the empty ramen cups, ramen coupons, some pieces of underwear and... something in the corner? Not quite sure what that is...
I put on my regular ninja outfit, and prepared one cup on instant ramen.
I quickly eat it and walk to the mirror, examining my grinning face.
I giggle, remembering that today are the graduating exams, i adjust my purple goggles and run out of the apartment, skipping happily to the academy.
I'm going to be a ninja 'ttebane, one more step closer to becoming a Hokage!
Che, some big dreams you got there kid.
Ugh, that voice again, who are you? Sigh.. i'm going crazy, yelling at an imaginary voice that may or may not be in my head..
Heh, whatever brat. The voice slightly.. growled?
Before i could question my sanity again, i realize i have already gotten to the academy.
I chuckle to myself walking straight to an empty seat, next to.. teme!
That Sasuke.. always get's all the attention, hmph!
But nothing can ruin this day!
As i made myself comfortable in my seat, Iruka-sensei already got to the classroom.
"Okay everybody, as you know the graduating exams are today, and they will be on clone jutsu!" Iruka-sensei announced happily.. but my day suddenly got so bad!
What am i gonna do? I thought groaning to myself while holding my head in my hands, depressing aura appearing around me.
This is my worst jutsu!
While i was busy panicking in my head, Sasuke who was seated next to me was glancing at me with a strange and annoyed look.
I turned and glared at the teme! I'll show him!
He glared back, but the contest was interrupted by my name being called.
I stuck out my tongue at Sasuke and left to the other room to do the test.
My breathing got faster, i am getting more nervous by the second!
I took a deep breath and entered the room.
I saw gramps, Iruka-sensei and some white haired dude sitting by the desk, holding some papers and a lot of headbands layed out in front of them.
"Okay Koi, this is Mizuki-sensei, now make three clones and you pass." Iruka-sensei said with his usual smiling face.
I nodded and did the right hand signs, concentrating hard, my eyebrows scrunched up and i closed my eyes.
I felt chakra around me, okay it's going good for now..
I heard a poof, i opened my eyes, and when the smoke cleared i see my usual scrawny, lifeless look a like.
Damn it! Not again!
Iruka-sensei and Hokage-geezer sighed, while i am sure i looked disappointed.
"Koi, we are sorry, but we cannot let you pass y-" Iruka-sensei never got to finish because he was cut off by Mizuki-sensei.
"Come on, why not let her pass, it's her third time on this exams!" Mizuki-sensei stood up for me!
"No, we cannot, it's the rules, if she want's to pass, she's gonna have to do the jutsu correctly!" Iruka-sensei yelled back, getting an angered expression.
I sighed sadly, my face dropping and i ran out of the examination room, ignoring the yells and when i got out of the academy i slowed down.
I walked over to a lone tree, and sat on the swing hanging from one of it's branches.
Soon all of the kids came out, running to their parents and bragging of how they passed.
As usual, no one was there for me, and the people looked at me with disgust.
Oi, cheer up, brat. I heard that deep voice echo in my head again.
I tried to take it's advice, but how can i? I failed again...
Hn.. Koi? Why are they looking at her like that? Whatever... Sasuke thought, as he turned around and walked off.
I looked up a little when I heard two women talk about me
"Look look, it's that child.." the first woman said, obviously repulsed.
"I heard she is the only one who didn't pass." the other woman tried whispering, but I still heard her clearly.
"It's better, who know's what would happen if she became a ninja.." the first woman complained again.
"Hush! You know it's forbiden to talk about it!" the other shushed her and they quickly disappeared from my view.
What is forbiden? Why is the whole village hiding something from me? Why is it always me?!
My thoughts were cut short by Mizuki-sensei jumping in front of me.
A little startled i fell back, off of the swing.
"Mizuki-sensei, what are you doing here?" I asked, getting up and dusting myself off.
"Sorry i startled you, let's go to the roof to have a little talk." Mizuki-sensei said, walking away and motioning me to follow him with his hand.
Don't obey him kid! that voice roared, but i ignored it, i'll see what it want's later..
I nodded and ran towards sensei, wondering what would he want from me.
We quickly arrived to the roof of the academy, the sun was already setting.
"Well Koi, as you may know, Iruka can be.. a little harsh.
You see he lost his parents at a young age, so he sees himself in you.
So i came here to tell you the other way to pass the exams, do you agree?" Mizuki-sensei slowly explained to me, but i perked up when i heard that there is another way to pass, my sad demeanor from earlier was immediately replaced with hope.
"How? How?" I excitedly questioned Mizuki-sensei who seemed to be smirking, bleh like Sas-gay!
"All you have to do is take the sacred scroll from a cabinet in the Hokage's office and learn one jutsu from it by night time." he announced, wow i never thought it would be that easy!
"I'll do it 'ttebane!" I yelled with my voice, full of determination.
"Good, meet me at the woods at 10 later, goodbye." Mizuki-sensei said before disappearing from my view.
I excitedly stood up, yosha! Now just to find the scroll....
An hour later i was standing in front of the cabinet in the old man's office holding a huge white scroll with black outlines.
I got it 'ttebane!
I heard someone clear their throat behind me, uh oh.
I slowly turned around, and i see gramps!
"Uzumaki K- he started and i panicked and before he could say anything else i made a hand sign.
"Sexy jutsu!" i yelled out, turning into a tall busty red head.
Gramps suprisingly got a nosebleed and fell backwards from it, and i took it as a chance to run away.
I mischeviously chuckled to myself running over to the woods with the scroll in my hands, the old man was so easy to trick, and he's a pervert too!
When i reached the woods i enthusiastically opened the scroll reading the name of the first jutsu i found.
Shadow clone justu? No man! That's my worst justu!
That's because you have a lot of chakra, try the shadow clones.. that deep voice gave me advice.
Thank you, deep voice! i mentally thanked and it scoffed! Whatever i need to learn a jutsu..
After three agonizing hours of training this one technique i got a hang of it!
I was covered in bruised, scratches and leaves.
Just as i was about to do the technique again, i heard a familiar voice.
"Koi! What are you doing here?" Iruka-sensei demanded, a little anger in his voice.
"Oh Iruka-sensei! You already found me.. i learned one technique, does that mean i pass now 'ttebane?" I yelled happily remembering Mizuki-sensei's words.
"Where did you get that idea?" He asked confused.. hmm.
"Mizuki-sensei told me if i learn one technique from this scroll i get to become a genin!" I explained to Iruka-sensei what Mizuki-sensei told me and his eyes widened.
"Oh i see my little plan got out.." I heard Mizuki-sensei say evilly behind me while throwing a few shuriken at Iruka-sensei.
The kunai embed deep into the bark of the house behinf Iruka-sensei, pinning him to the walls.
"Iruka-sensei!" I yelled out , concerned for my teacher.
I panicked, not knowing what to do!
Iruka-sensei grunted taking off the kunai that were pining his clothes and glared at Mizuki.
I am confused, what's going on now?!
"Mizuki! So you were planing this all along! Why?!" Iruka sensei yelled
"Koi, just give me the scroll." Mizuki ordered coldy ignoring Iruka-sensei.
"No! Koi don't give him the scroll! He tricked you!" Iruka-sensei yelled, i cracked under the pressure and just took off running deeper into the woods.
I finally stopped running, out of breath.
I panted heavily, my hands on my knees.
"Give me the scroll, Koi." I heard Mizuki say behind me.
I turned to him in a quick motion preparing to run again.
"No way! You liar!" I yelled, pointing a finger in his direction.
"Then die!" He screamed, throwing a huge shuriken off of his back straight at me.
I let out a surprised gasp and tightly shut my eyes.
After a few seconds of not feeling the shuriken even scratch me i felt something wet drop on my cheek, then another one.
I slowly and carefully opened my eyes and they went wide after what i saw.
Iruka-sensei was shielding me from the impact, shuriken stabbed deep in his back, and the liquid i felt on my cheeks, they were his tears.
"Iruka-sensei.." was the only thing i could mutter, being shocked at what i saw.
"Why do you protect her huh? When you hate her like the whole village does, you've all been hiding it from her, that decree from 12 years ago!" Mizuki shouted at Iruka-sensei.
What decree? Is this why they all hate me..? 
"What decree?" I asked trying to sound intimidating, but it passed as scared and confused.
"Twelwe years ago the nine tailed fox demon was sealed inside of you by the Fourth Hokage! You killed Iruka's parents! Didn't you ever wonder why the villagers shun you?!" He screamed at me.. but the rest of the words passed through me..
"Koi! Don't listen to him!" Iruka-sensei warned me, but i didn't obey.
Tears leaked out of my eyes like crazy and i did the only thing i could think of at that time.
I stood up and ran.. i ran far away from the site ignoring Iruka-senseis pleading to stop.
I finally dropped on my knees next to one of the trees catching my breath from all of the tears and the run.
Is... Is that true? Are you kyuubi deep voice? i mentally asked the gruf voice that i have been hearing for the past few days.
Tch, what other voice would you be hearing kid?
I said something because i was bored, now go back to those two humans! It roared at me, and i admit scared me.
My hands were slightly shaking, but i willed myself to go back.
The two just stood there and Iruka-sensei started saying something that at first broke my heart.. but quickly warmed it.
"You are right.. monsters are like that.. but Koi, Koi is not a monster! She is a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf village, Uzumaki Koi!" Iruka-sensei exclaimed.
So.. he didn't doubt me, he believes in me and he just stood up for me!
Mizuki scoffed, and i decided it was finally my time to interrupt.
"Don't you dare touch Iruka-sensei!" I warned, my voice did come out introuguing this time and i made the familiar hand signs for the jutsu i learned just a while ago.
"Shadow clone jutsu!" I yelled at the top of my loungs as thousands of solid copies of myself appeared.
The forest was filled with red and purple.
Mizuki looked around frantically, probably not expecting that while Iruka-sensei looked shocked but at the same time, something i never saw in an adults eyes, no nobody's eyes, when looking at something i've done, pride.
He was proud of me!
I, along with my clones threw a bunch of kicks and fists at Mizuki before he was laying on the ground, looking like something i threw up.
I panted and exaustedly fell to the hard ground, Iruka-sensei watching me, astonished.
"Koi, close your eyes." I was confused as to why Iruka-sensei wanted me to do that, but i listened.
I felt my goggles being replaced with something else, and when i opened my eyes i gasped.
"Iruka-sensei you are the best, dattebane!" I yelled tackling him, on my forehead tightly secured Iruka-sensei's old head band with a metal plate with a leaf village sign engraved in it!
I prudly adjusted it on my forehead and put my goggles around my neck, they mean to me a lot so..
I even had ramen after with Iruka-sensei!
So i lay in my bed, still grinning, this day couldn't go better... 
Night kid.


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