Pass or Fail: Survival Test

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Third point of view

It was so early in the morning that the sky was still in between the dark purple and a blue colour.
You could only hear the happy chirping of birds.
Yet at one of the training grounds three new graduating students walked slowly towards the same spot, all wearing back packs and slightly swaying from the lack of sleep.
Sakura was yawning while rubbing her eye, Koi was hunched over with closed eyes, her hand stretched outwards like trying to reach her teammates faster while Sasuke was walking normally like it didn't bother him that it was 5 in the morning.
The three stood in the same spot waiting for their sensei for hours, Koi was already sound asleep on the grass while the other two were looking around for their incredibly late sensei.
"Morning everyone!" A cherry voice of their sensei woke an angered Koi up, as she and Sakura simultaneously pointed at their sensei while yelling "You're late!".
"A black cat crossed my path so i had to take the long way." the gray haired jonin announced while scratching the back of his head 'innocently'.
"Yeah right.. " Koi muttered angrily while the other two nodded their heads in agreement.
Kakashi cleared his throat before speaking up again.
"Well let's get started." he said as he took out an alarm clock and placed it on a stump.
"Huh?" Sakura and Koi chorused, confused.
"Here we go, it's set for noon." He explained before taking two bells out of his pocket and holding them up for the three to see.
The three only blinked in confusion, waiting for their sensei to explain the rest.
"Your assignment is simple, you just have to take these bells from me.
If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch, you'll be tied to those posts and you will watch while i eat my lunch in front of you." As he finished explaining with a stoic face the three genin were left with completely grim expressions.
Koi screamed in agony over not having lunch while the other two muttered a 'that's why'.
"Wait a minute there's three of us, how come there's only two bells?" Sakura asked as if realizing it just now.
Kakashi chuckled with a closed eye, "That way at least one of you will be tied to a post and fail to complete the test and goes back to the academy." He started.
"Then again all three of you could flunk out too." He finished.
The three genin suddenly had determination plastered over their faces as they urged their sensei for more instructions.
"You can use any weapons, including shuriken. If you are not prepared to kill me, you won't be able to take the bells." Kakashi explained seriously, when Sakura gasped.
"Those weapons are too dangerous sensei!" she yelled with a worried expression.
Koi simply laughed loudly, her hands behind her head.
"Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser!" She giggled to herself while Sakura and Sasuke sighed at her actions and her laid back attitude.
"Class clowns are usually the weakest links, you can safely ignore them. Lowest scores, losers." Kakashi dismissed Koi's attitude, while at the same time trying to anger her.
Succeeding, Koi was seething at her sensei, glaring at him through her goggles.
"When i say start you can begin." Just as he finished the sentence Koi blindly charged at her sensei, a vein pulsing on her fore head, the word 'losers' echoing in her head.
In a matter of seconds the kunai was at the back of her head.
Sasuke and Sakura gasped, only now realizing their sensei's skill level.
Obito would get agitated like this too.. this team is just like mine back then.. Kakashi thought while holding the kunai, pointed at Koi head before speaking up.
"Now now, don't be in such a hurry ; I heaven't said 'start' yet." Hatake commented ruffling her red hair a bit making her puff out her cheeks in annoyance.
"Oi don't touch the future Hokage like that!" She yelled, making a big deal out of it.
So this is a jonin... Sasuke though narrowing his eyes at the silver haired sensei.

*Somewhere else, Iruka-sensei is having a conversation with the Hokage about the difficulty of Kakashi's tests, not one team has ever passed.*

"Ready? ... START!"
As Kakashi announced the start of the test the three genin quickly dispersed.
Ninja must know how to conceal their movements and hide effectively.. they understand that well.. the other two that is.. *sigh* what is this idiot doing? Kakashi wondered as he looked at the determined standing Koi in front of him, arms crossed over her chest.
"You and me right now! Fair and square! Let's go 'ttebane!" She yelled at her sensei who only sweat-dropped at her attitude.
What a fool.. She's so reckless.. Sasuke thought while observing his teammate from a tree.
"You know compared to the others, you are a little bit odd.. don't you think?" Kakashi commented while Koi only shot back.
"Oh yeah? The only odd thing here is your hair cut! Look at it!" She yelled pointing a finger at his silver gravity defying hair.
Kakashi glanced at his own hair before sighing, only to find Koi running straight at him.
Before she even reached him she stopped in her tracks, narrowed her eyes while observing him.
"Shinobi battle techniques: part one, taijutsu. The physical part." Kakashi said as he stuck a hand in his weapon pouch.
Taijutsu.. hand to hand combat.. then why is he reaching for a weapon? Koi wondered as she continued to watch his movement.
"Ha!" The perverted sensei exclaimed as he got a book out of his pouch, a porn book to be exact, with the title of "Icha Icha paradise".
"Wha.. Huh?" Koi uttered in surprise before Kakashi leisurely continued to taunt her.
"What are you waiting for, make your move.." He said.
"But.. i mean.. why are you reading that book?!" Koi screamed at him.
"Why? To know what happens in the story of course. Don't let it bother you, cause with your weak attacks it doesn't matter if i'm reading or doing anything else.." The silver haired jonin taunted successfully as Koi was pissed.
"Arghhhh I'll pummel you!" Koi yelled as she ran straight at him with a fist ready.
Every punch or kick she'd throw he'd successfully block it or avoid it, it was not long before Kakashi was crouched behind her, his hands forming a tiger seal.
"Don't let your enemy get behind you." Kakashi warned Koi as her eyes widened.
The tiger seal.. that's dangerous! Koi will be destroyed with that! Sakura thought from under the bushes while watching the fight.
That's for a fire jutsu.. he's not just toying with Koi.. he's going to demolish her! Sasuke though, not worrying in the slightest bit for his teammate.
"Koi get out of there quick! He'll destroy you!" Sakura yelled, blowing her cover, but actually worried.
"Too late... leaf village secret finger jutsu: thousand years of death!" Kakashi yelled as he jabbed Koi in the ass with his fingers.
Well Koi just flew in the lake while the other teammates sweat-dropped.
"That wasn't a hand sign at all.. he just poked her! In the butt! Poor Koi..." Sakura muttered.
"These two are just two idiots.. idiots." Sasuke said to himself, rubbing his forehead in the process.
As Koi was floating in the water she was actually glad that her goggles were there, helping her see under the water.
I mustn't let it end like this! I'll attack from the water! She thought determinedly while taking out two shuriken from her pouch.
Heh.. The kyuubi snickered at the attitude of his jinchuuriki, but he was ignored.
Now! She threw the shuriken with all of her strength, they flew out of the water and were going straight at Kakashi with great speed.. but he caught them without batting an eyelash.
Kakashi started to mock Koi as she got out of the water drenched.
"You look pretty wobbly for a future Hokage."
Just at that time Koi's stomach decided to rumble.
"You told us not to eat breakfast, how can i fight when i am starving to death?!" She complained, while an embarrassed Sasuke's and Sakura's stomach decided to make themselves heard as well.
Breakfast.. i didn't even have dinner last night! Really bad idea to go on a diet now.. Sakura though from her bush.
"I am going to pass this test! I will become a ninja! I will become Hokage!" Koi yelled as a bunch of her clones jumped out of the water at Kakashi, all grinning at her plan.
"You are overconfident sensei that's why you weren't ready for my shadow clone's, my best justu 'ttebane!"
7 Koi's...? And their solid too! How can she do that? Sakura blinked in surprise while watching the scene unfold.
These are not images.. how that loser? Sasuke gaped at the scene.
"Looks like the rumors are true, she can make shadow clones.." Kakashi said to himself in amusement.
Well all in all Koi threw some punches here and there, and it escalated quickly.
She ended punching herself in the face, Kakashi nowhere in sight.
"She's holding herself.. Koi punched.. Koi!" Sakura exclaimed in shock.
And now a bunch of Koi's started battling each other, trying to find Kakashi who was already gone.
As Koi finally undid the jutsu she was left standing alone, beat up.
He got you with a replacement jutsu.. you loser. Sasuke thought while sighing at a groaning Koi.
"Hmmm.. a bell! I must have gotten him with my attack so he dropped it!" Koi exclaimed, now happily running towards a single bell on the grass.
As she touched it, the trap activated and her feet were tied to a rope, making her dangle off a tree branch upside down.
Of course it was a trap you dummy.. That jonin doesn't let down his guard even when he's fighting so many Koi's. Sasuke observed with an eye brow raised as Koi continued screaming for help.
"Think before you use a jutsu, or your opponent might use it against you." Kakashi voiced while picking up the bell.
"Oh and also, if the bait is obvious, don't take it." He smiled.
"Ninja must see through deception." He instructed.
"Arghhh i get it!"
"No, you don't get it. You think you get it which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?" As Kakashi said that, Sasuke saw it as his chance to attack.
He threw about six shuriken and they all hit the target.
Sakura gasped in surprise.
"Ahh are you out of your mind Sasuke?!" Koi yelled, still hanging from the tree.
Kakashi fell to the ground with a thud, but with a poof of smoke, a log was in his place.
Sasuke gasped, figuring out that was Kakashi's plan all along and started running in the opposite direction to hide again.
Sakura, noticing Sasuke changed his hiding spot, ran after him.
Where are you, Sasuke? Don't tell me sensei found you! Sakura though when she came to a stop, seeing Kakashi standing behind some bushes, reading his book.
Whew.. he didn't hear me! She wiped the sweat off her forehead.
"Sakura, behind you."

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