Enter! Uzumaki Koi!

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Just so you know, it's her in the picture, but i made slight changes to the appearance in the chapter.


"UZUMAKI KOIII!!!" Shouts were heard all over the village, disturbing the piece of the village.
Once the villagers heard the shouts, they shook their heads, something that proves that things like that happen everyday.
When you look at the Leaf village, the first thing you notice about it is the mountain with four heads of the previous Hokage, leaders of the village, carved into it.
Now, when you look at that mountain, you will notice some changes.
The Hokage faces were painted in all kinds of colors, yellow snot coming out of the Second's nostrils, red eyelashes on the Third' , a green moustache on the First and the completely yellow Fourth Hokage, like someone just dropped a bucket of paint all over the monument.
When you look under the mountains, you could notice The Hokage tower in a slight distance and houses.
You could also see a short, twelve year old girl running with buckets of paint, laughing histericaly.
She had a nice built body, the proof that she trains hard, red wavy hair that almost reached her waist in a ponytail, some falling out and framing her heart shaped face.
She had bright blue eyes with long thick eyelashes, a small nose and a huge grin crossing her plump lips.
She was wearing regular black ninja sandals that came up to her thighs, she had purple spandex shorts, a bandage covering her right knee and a weapon pouch strapped to it.
A dark purple belt hugged her waist nicely and she was wearing a light purple thight t-shirt with a dark red Uzumaki clan symbol sewn on it by her chest area. Over her shirt she was wearing a darker purple kimono, but just it looked like it was cut off by the waist, making it short, the outlines of the kimono were a light purple and a purplish bow was keeping it closed. On the top of her head stood a pair of purplish and reddish goggles. Looks like she really loved the color purple.

*With the Third Hokage*

The old man sighed, turning around, a pipe in his mouth.
"What did Koi do this time Iruka?" he questioned the young man bowing in front of him, immediately knowing what's it about.
"Lord Hokage! She did it again, this time she painted the Hokage monument!" the man yelled in alarm.
"I'm getting too old for this.. go and get her to class." the Hokage sighed, getting back to his writting.

*Back to the red haired girl*

The girl in purple who was currently running was the one who's name were the jonins from earlier shouting.
She was Uzumaki Koi, and why was she running?
Well like it was said a few sentences back, she was carrying buckets of paint, a proof she was the one who shamelessly painted the Hokage monument.
With a few giggles she rounded the corner and hid, holding a giant paper that looks like the fence she was standing in front of.
"Iruka-sensei will never catch me!" She giggled playfully, shaking her camouflage accidentally.
"Oh yea?" She heard an angry voice of her homeroom sensei call out, and she knew she was screwed.
"Iruka-sensei what are you doing here 'ttebane?" She pointed at her even angrier sensei.
"No, what are you doing here? You should be in class!" He yelled, tying a rope around her, to keep her still.
She complained, but Iruka took her forcefully to her academy classroom.
He threw her on the floor, in front of the class, which was now full out laughing.
There were a lot of boys that admired, and liked Koi, for she was truly a beautiful girl, but they would never admit it.
But to other boys it was highly noticeable.
Koi hmph'd at her laughing class and turned her head the other way, pouting with scrunched eyebrows.
What an idiot... Sasuke sighed, and turned to look out of the window again.
"Now everybody will do the transformation jutsu again, because of Koi!" Iruka angrily yelled, releasing her from the ropes.
The class groaned in displeasure and reculantly made their way to the front of the classroom.
" God, you tomato freak, we have to do this again because of your mistakes!" One of the girls yelled at Koi, with a bunch of other girls backing her up with 'yea' and 'tomato' .
"Hmph, like i care!" Koi snorted, but something clicked.
"Oi don't call me a tomato! My hair is awesome 'ttebane!" she yelled pointing at the girl in question.
"Yea right y-"  the other girl started, but the fight was ended with Iruka instructing Haruno Sakura, a pink haired girl to do the transformation jutsu.
Haruno Sakura was a smart girl, lacking in strength, with a big forehead, pink hair and emerald green eyes.
She was like most of the female population, head over heels for Uchiha Sasuke, the sole survivor of the Uchiha massacre.
"Okay, Haruno Sakura here! Transform!" she said to herself doing a correct hand sign, and in a poof transformed into Iruka-sensei, missing a few details.
"Transformed into me, good." Iruka-sensei praised, writing the result on his clipboard, but you could tell he was uncomfortable.
"Next, Uchiha Sasuke." the sensei read of the clipboard.
"Hn." The one in question made an inaudible noise, transformed into his sensei again and left without saying a word.
That was Uchiha Sasuke, the class hear throb, his clan was killed when he was seven, he is usually quiet, he has black hair with slight blue shine that sticks out in the ends and onyx eyes.
"Kyaaah Sasuke-kun!" All of the girls in the class except Hinata and Koi screamed at the receding Uchiha.
Hyuuga Hinata, she was a shy and quiet girl that sat at the back of the class, she always admired Koi for her never giving up attitude, she had dark lavender short hair and light lavender eyes like the rest of the Hyuuga clan, called the Byakugan.
"This is such a drag!" Shikamaru complained yawning, standing next to Koi in line.
Nara Shikamaru, he was a lazy genius, his IQ is the highest between this graduating class, and most jonins. 
He had dark brown hair in a high ponytail and a laid back composure.
"Yea! We always have to pay for your mistakes!" the one who agreed with Shikamaru was Yamanaka Ino, she was Sakura's best friend and number one rival at the same time, they were both in love with the young Uchiha.
The girl had pale long blond hair in a high ponytail, one bang covering her left eye, her clan , the Yamanaka's specialize in mind jutsu's.
"Like i care!" Koi snorted, but then heard her name being called to do the jutsu.
Koi smirked playfully and came forward.
"Sexy jutsu!" she exclaimed, and in her place stood a tall, busty read headed woman, naked, only clouds covered her private parts.
Iruka fell back, having a major nosebleed like most of the boys in the class.
Koi undid the jutsu and fell to the floor laughing at her sensei's reaction.
The girls immediately started criticizing Koi's vulgar jutsu.
"ENOUGH WITH THE STUPID TRICKS, THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!" Iruka yelled at his student, veins popping out one by one on his forehead.

*Koi's point of view, cleaning the Hokage monument's after school*

Hm, i have been cleaning this for two hours, but i must admit i outdone myself with this prank!
Shut up! Let me sleep brat! 
Ugh! That voice again!
I have been hearing a deep male voice in my head for two months now, maybe i'm just lonely.. but who knows.
"Hurry it up so you can go home!" i heard Iruka-sensei's voice come from the top of the mountain's.
"What do i care? It's not like i have someone to go home to!" i retorted, but it was true, i've never met my parents, so it's only natural i would get lonely.
"Uhh... Koi?" Iruka-sensei questioned with a nervous expression.
"What now sensei?" i asked back, getting a little annoyed.
"When you finish this.. how would you like me to treat you ramen?" he looked kind of hopeful now.
But of course who would refuse ramen?!
"Yeah! Now that's some serious motivation!" I fist pumped the air, and cleaned three times faster.

Third point of view, Iruka and Koi are having ramen

"Koi, you know who the Hokage were right?" Iruka asked his student, who was slurping her third bowl of ramen.
"Of course i do! They are the best of the best, the leaders of the village! Especially the Fourth Hokage, he saved the village from the kyuubi!" Koi answered proudly after swallowing her ramen.
"Then why did you paint their monument like that?" Iruka asked the girl, now even more curious.
"Because i will surpass them all!" She immediately answered enthusiastically.
Iruka widened his eyes in surprise, then kindly smiled after offering her one more bowl.
"Of course, you don't even have to ask that!" The read head yelled nodding her head and smiling happily.
Koi ate all of her ramen, saluted her sensei and left the ramen stand.
She got home to her small apartment, her floors full of empty ramen cups, she undressed and put on her ligh purple pj's and a fuzzy night cap with a small even fuzzier ball on the point of the hat.
"Good night" she sadly told herself, expecting no reply, but heard one for the first time in her life.
Good night kid. the words echoed through her head.
She smiled to herself now and quickly fell into deep slumber, hoping that she would do good on her graduating exams the following day...


Koi -thoughts
Koi -Kurama speaking

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