Zero visibility:The Sharingan shatters! The white snow

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Hi guys!
So this is what the votes look like currently:
Sasuke- 26
You can vote until i get to shippuden, so there's hope for those who don't want a SasuKoi story! :)


Koi's point of view

"Sharingan.." I looked up at Sasuke in amazement.
I need to catch up already!
I try to move but every part of my body hurts..
"What?!" I heard Sasuke shout. Is he okay??
I slightly raised my head to feel something drop on my cheek.
I saw Haku on the floor. Wow Sasuke did that!
"You.. You really are a burden all the time." Sasuke spoke in pain making me look at him.
My eyes widened when i saw the blood pooling under Sasuke and how many needles were sticking out of him.
He slightly turned his head to look at me and spoke.
"Lo-look at you.. You idiot." He barely choked out.
Why did he do this for me?!
"Why? You protected me.."
"Who knows.." Was his answer.
He kept talking.
"I hated you" Memories of Sasukes and my rivalry flashed in my head.
"My body moved on it's own accord, idiot.." Sasuke started falling back and with a gasp i forgot all about the pain and caught him.
I stared down at him, his head on my lap as tears from my eyes started clouding my goggles so i put them up on my head.
"Sasuke!" I screamed.
"That man.. I didn't want to die until i killed my brother." Sasuke slowly said and raised his hand, wiping my tears.
Huh..? No!
"You..don't die." He told me, his hand dropping from my cheek , to the ground.
He closed his eyes and i hugged his body close to me as Haku spoke again.
"He..Was able to jump in to protect someone important. He's a ninja worthy of respect. Is this the first time you've seen a friend die? This is the way of the shinobi." The masked ninja told me.
He killed Sasuke. He killed him! How could he?! 
I was shaking while i felt an unknown surge through my body, it was overwhelming..
"Shut up.." I answered.
"I hated you too.." I let Sasuke down on the ground.
How could he die like this?!

Third point of view

Haku gasped as he saw chakra flowing in the air around Koi.
"You will pay.." Koi spoke and the chakra turned red cutting into the ground.
It started swirling all around her and her voice came out raspy as she said.
"Ill kill you!"
Haku gasped once again What is this chakra?
Impossible! The chakra is taking form! And what terrible chakra..
Haku could just watch as the red chakra took on a form of a fox.
The needles fell out of Koi and her wounds started closing up shocking the masked ninja even more.
What is this girl? Haku stepped back when he saw her red eye with a slit.
Kakashi and Zabuza gasped at the monstrous chakra they both felt.
This chakra.. It can't be! Did the seal break..? Kakashi panicked.
This unpleasant chakra.. Whose is it? Zabuza looked around.
Koi shook in rage and started running on her arms and legs at Haku and the mirrors.
She hit mirror per mirror, breaking all of them with incredible power and Haku only watched in horror.
Haku's heart beat fastened from fear by every second the horrible chakra was felt in the air.
What a thirst for blood.. She is a different girl from a few seconds ago!
Flying right out of the mirrors, Haku jumped straight at Koi with a shuriken in his hand, but with a flip Koi dodged it, at a speed even faster than Haku's.
"How about we finish it with the next move?" Kakashi put his hands in a sign, a scroll in his mouth.
"Interesting. What can you do in this situation though?" Zabuza taunted.
I.. I can't hold her back! Haku was gasping as he barely managed to hold Koi still for a few seconds.
Chakra was spinning around Koi at an incredible speed and Haku could just stare helplessly as her fist made contact with his abdomen. 
"Arrgh!" Haku flew straight back , breaking a few remaining mirrors and crashing to the floor meters away.
Not pausing for a second Koi ran straight at him until his mask started falling off.
Now completely gone, Koi could finally see his face.
She suddenly stopped, making her fall down on her knees as she stared wide-eyed at the ninja centimeters in front of her.
"Y-you.. From that time.." Koi said in shock as Haku only stared down at her.
"Why did you stop?" He asked.
Looking back at Sasuke with tears in her eyes, Koi punched Haku with her weakest punch , not even sending him back, her fist just staying on his stomach.
"Where did your energy go? You can't kill me like that.." Haki whispered.
"Zabuza-san doesn't need a weak ninja, you stole my reason to exist." He said.
"Why..? Why fight for him? Is that no-brow the only important person you have?!" Koi yelled back.
"I had people that were important to me long ago...." Haku sadly started telling her of how Zabuza came to be so important to him..
"I was happy.." He softly said, looking at Koi.
"Koi-chan, please kill me." 
Growling dogs were keeping Zabuza in place, rendering him useless as Kakashi was making hand signs, chakra quickly gathering around him.
The chakra became so intense that it became visible in the shape of many lightning bolts.
Wha-.. I can see his chakra..
"You are dangerous, your ambition sacrifices too many people." Kakashi calmly told Zabuza.
"Who cares, i fought for my own ideal, and that won't change in the future." Zabuza answered.
"Your future is death." 
"I can't believe that stupid story! Weapon? Tool? You're okay with being that?!" Koi yelled backing away from Haku.
"Is it wrong?" Haku asked.
"B-but it's.." Koi stuttered and Haku cut her off. 
"Now, hurry."
"No! I don't understand!" Koi yelled in tears.
"I thought you would understand.. You wish to become strong." Haku said referring to their talk in the woods.
"Then find some other important person! You can find another reason to live! If.. If you hadn't done something like that.. If it was different we could have been friends, but Sasuke had a dream too!" Koi yelled making Haku'e eyes widen.
He slowly started walking towards her with his hand stretched out and the other one making hand signs while Koi just stayed still with widened eyes.
When he was finally right in front of her..
"I can't die just yet. Grab a hold of your dream, Koi." Haku bent down, softly kissed her forehead and disappeared.
Running straight at Zabuza with his hand emiting massive lightning chakra was Kakashi.
Preparing for his end Zabuza closed his eyes.
He heard Kakashi's hand collide with a body but he felt nothing.
Opening his eyes, blood splashed on his face and Kakashi's hand was inches away.
"What happened?" Tazuna asked as he and Sakura tried to stay still while the whole bridge shook.
"Z-zabuza-san.." Haku uttered , taking a hold of Kakashi's hand.
"My future is death? Wrong again Kakashi!" Zabuza chuckled.
The mist finally cleared enough for Sakura and Tazuna to see what happened and they both gasped in shock at what they saw.
Kakashi's arm going straight through Haku who was standing in front of Zabuza protectively.
"Ah!" With a gasp Koi ran towards them. "W-what's the meaning of this.." 
"That's the masked boy.." Tazuna noted still in shock.
I can't believe he jumped in here to save Zabuza.. He's already dead. Kakashi stood still in thought.
"Splendid Haku." Zabuza grinned and swung his sword without hesitation shocking Kakashi even more.
Is he going to cut through the boy?! Kakashi  barely jumped away with Haku's body.
"That bastard.." Koi grit her teeth.
"Koi! You stay there!" Kakashi commanded putting Haku on the floor.
"Koi! You are alright!" Sakura yelled noticing her red haired teammate who was staring at Haku's body.
"Where's Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked making Koi turn her head to the side, in silence.
"Sakura.." Kakashi whispered before Zabuza made him turn back.
"Kakashi! You don't have time to look away!" And their fight continued.
"I'll go too." Tazuna told a wide eyed Sakura who just stared at Koi.
They both ran passed Koi who just stood gritting her teeth.
"Sasuke.." She chocked out.
A gasp left Sakura's mouth as she came to a stop next to Sasuke.
Tazuna looked away with blurry eyes as Sakura fell to her knees next to Sasuke.
Putting her hand on his cheek Sakura's eyes filled with tears.
"He's cold.. This is not a genjutsu...huh?" 
"You don't have to hold back just because i'm here. You should just cry at a time like this." Tazuna said.
"I always got 100% on the tests at the ninja academy, i memorized more than 100 ideas of ninja's know-hows and i always wrote down the answers proudly. One day this problem showed up on a test.. Answer the 25th rule of the ninja know-how and i answered as usually. 'A ninja must not show any emotion at any situation. He must have a heart that will allow him not to cry in any situation.' " Sakura cried into Sasuke's chest, yelling.
"This..this is what a ninja is..It's too cruel." Tazuna sadly stared at the scene in front of him.
Tears were also running down Koi's cheeks as she just stared at the fight between her sensei and Zabuza, not even thinking about the situation.
"Farewell, demon."
Just as Kakashi was about to win, a new gruffy voice appeared from the end of the bridge making everyone turn to stare.
"Oh oh looks like you got beat up! I'm disappointed, Zabuza." A short man in black with glasses and a cane taunted with a smirk, a huge amount of men with weapons standing behind him.
"Gato...Why are you here..?" Zabuza asked in a hostile tone.
"We had a little change in plans.. I'm sorry Zabuza, but you are going to die here." Gato chuckled.
"What?!" Zabuza growled and Gato started explaining his motives while taunting Zabuza and making the men behind him laugh.
Who are these shady guys..? Koi thought.
"Kakashi, i'm sorry , but the battle ends here." Zabuza said making Kakashi agree with him.
Gato walked forward a few steps, making his way to Haku's body.
"Oh yeah.. I owe this guy a favor for gripping my arm until it broke!" Gato yelled and kicked Haku's body making Koi gasp in anger.
"Bastard! What the hell are you doing?!" She ran straight at him, but Kakashi held her back by her collar.
"What are you doing? Don't move so carelessly." 
"Why don't you say something too?! He was your comrade!" Koi yelled at Zabuza struggling with Kakashi.
"Shut up kid, Haku is already dead." 
"You really don't feel anything about what he did? You were with him a long time right?!" 
"I said this before. We ninja are just tools. I have no regrets." 
"Do you really mean that..?" Koi started but Kakashi grabbed her shoulder and she instantly shook his hand off.
"You are still my enemy! He..He really liked you! He loved you! And you really don't think anything of him?! Is.. is that really true? When a person becomes as strong as you.. Do they begin to think like that? He sacrificed his life for you 'ttebane! He couldn't even see his dream.. Dying as a tool... is just.. " Koi pointed a finger at Zabuza, clenching her fist and crying.
"Kid... " Zabuza started and Koi raised her head, seeing tears falling down on the ground beneath Zabuza and her teary eyes widened.
"Don't say anymore.. Haku.. Not only did he hurt his heart to fight for me, but he hurt his heart for you guys. I know. He was too kind. I'm glad you were our final opponents. It was just like you said kid, ninja are human too." Zabuza tore the bandages from his mouth with his shark like teeth and turned to Koi.
"Throw me your kunai." And Koi only nodded and threw it, he caught it in his mouth.
Zabuza immediately ran at a now frightened coward Gato and his henchmen.
"Hey! Kill those guys!" Gato ordered while running back to the end of the bridge.
"Idiot! Do you think you can beat so many on your own?!" One of them at the front yelled as Zabuza quickly ran at them, only a kunai in his mouth his arms swinging by him.
Cutting through all of them, without caring that some of them managed to stab their weapons into him he ran straight at Gato.
Gato gasped in fear as Zabuza broke through the army of men and was getting closer,all bloody.
For a mere second Gato thought he saw a real demon, right before Zabuza stabbed him and threw him of the bridge.
A mere look in the eye at Zabuza made all of the henchmen make a path and move away in fear.
"Haku.." Spitting out a kunai Zabuza took a few steps towards Haku's body before he fell down.
"Don't look away Koi. It's the end of a man who lived desperately." Kakashi told his student who only nodded her head with a slight hm.
Am i dead...? I..I.. Koi.. No.. Is that Sakura?  "Sakura, you're heavy."
"AH!" Gasping Sakura stared down at Sasuke who just spoke up.
"Sasuke-kun..?" She asked with wide eyes.
Tazuna just watched in shock as Sakura kept repeating Sasuke's name to make sure he's really alive.
You must be happy, Sakura.. Tazuna shed a few tears as well.
Barely moving Sasuke managed to sit.
"No! You mustn't move!" Sakura yelled helping him.
"Where's Koi..? What happened to the masked guy?" Sasuke asked in worry for his teammate.
"Koi is okay.. And the masked boy died. Kakashi defeated him." Sakura said making Sasuke turn in the other direction.
"I believed in you Sasuke..!" So Sakura started throwing compliments at Sasuke who just kept staring at Koi and Kakashi on the other side of the bridge.
"Kooi! Sasuke's alive!" Sakura yelled in happiness waving at Koi who slowly turned around.
Her eyes widened and she ran to her two teammates stopping in front of Sasuke.
A smile broke out on her face as she stared at him.
Haku.. You missed on purpose..  
"Teme!" Koi gently hit Sasuke who grunted.
"Koi! He's injured!" Sakura yelled with a vein on her forehead.
"I'm glad..." Koi gently said while holding Sasuke's shoulder with her hand.
Putting his hand on hers Sasuke moved the corner of his lips just slightly.
"Hn. Idiot, look at that crowd of men." 
"Ahh! I forgot!" Koi immediately turned to Kakashi as one of the men started talking.
"So who's gonna pay us now? You guys are feeling too safe!" 
"Now we have to attack the town and steal everything valuable!" They yelled.
"This is not good." Kakashi commented.
Just as the men started running towards them, an arrow landed right in front of them making them stop in their tracks.
"Anyone who gets any closer to this island will die facing it's force!" A man yelled from a crown of villagers and Inari at the front, armed with pots, forks and so on..
"Inari!" Koi yelled with a smile.
"Heh, heroes are supposed to show up late!" Inari grinned using Koi's words.
"Inari.. Everyone.." Tazuna smiled.
"Shadow clone technique!" Koi yelled, and about 20 other Koi's appeared intimidating the bandits even more.
"Kakashi version!" Kakashi made even more and all of the men ran away in fear.
The villagers yelled out in happiness. 
Kakashi stood up and walked over to Zabuza who was barely still alive.
"Looks like it's over.." Zabuza coughed.
"Kakashi, i have a favor to ask. I want to see his face.." Zabuza asked and Kakashi nodded picking him up and walking over to Haku.
He placed him next to Haku.
"It's snowing.." A villager said. 
"Haku, are you crying?" Zabuza asked staring at Haku's lifeless face.
"Thank's Kakashi.." He said before touching Haku's cheek.
"We've been together all this time, so i'll die next to you... If possible, i would like to go to the same place you are going to.. " Zabuza said and the snow slowly stopped, sun shining on Haku's face.
Koi who was standing beside Sakura and Sasuke started crying as well.
"He was born in a place where a lot of snow fell." Koi said making her two teammates turn to her in confusion.
"Koi how did yo-" Sakura started but shut up when Kakashi spoke up.
"He was pure white like the snow.." 

"I was wondering Kakashi-sensei..?" Sakura questioned, standing by two graves with the rest of team 7.
"Does a ninja really have to be the way they said?" 
"Ninja are not supposed to seek the reason they exist. It's important that they exist as a tool. That idea exists in Konoha as well." Kakashi answered.
"Does becoming a real ninja really mean that? I kind of don't like that." Koi said.
"Do you think like that too?" Sasuke asked.
"Hmm, well no. That's why ninja unconsciously suffer from that idea. Like Zabuza and that boy. " Was Kakashi's answer.
"Haku. Alright! I've decided! I'm going to follow my own way of ninja! I'm going to run down the path where i'm not going to regret anything 'ttebane! " Koi grinned staring at the sky.
Her three comrades just stared at her , properly thinking of her words.
You can do it.. Koi. 
Hm? Kyuubi? 
I didn't say anything brat, but i'm surprised that you managed to stop at the bridge! 
Ha! That's cause i'm strong! 
You brat... 



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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