A Nightly Patrol...

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It was a dark night at the City of Gotham, it was quiet though after the Joker was taking back to the Asylum. It was a long night for everyone.. well expect for the Dark Knight. Who was standing on top of a building, looking down at Gotham. No matter how tired he was after taking care of the Joker, he knew he couldn't rest. He wished night's could be peaceful, but with criminal's running around, you ain't gonna have a peaceful city. Looking down below him he heard police siren's and looked to see where they were going. Jumping from roof to roof, or using the grapel hook to help him move faster. He saw Commissioner Gordon got out of the car and waited for Batman to come. The Batman dropped down...

Gordon: I was wondering when you would show up...*sip's his coffee*

Batman: You should already know. When their crime i be their.*come's out of the shadow*

Gordon: I was actually suppose to be home with my family...*sigh* But a police officer do what they got to do...

Batman: I couldn't have said it better myself. By the way where Bullock?

Gordon: He said he going home, that he tired... He said if I anything happen call him.*looks at him*

Batman: Is it the Joker again.*look's serious*

Gordon: What? No. We took him back to Arkham Asylum. It's the Mad Hatter...

Batman: Mad hatter, Where is he?*look's around*

Gordon: He in their..*point's to the hat shop* But he got a hostage... He called the GCDP and said he has a hostage... and he want's only you to come see him...

Batman: Got it. I be out of thier.

Gordon: Do be careful...

Batman: I alway's careful Gordon. Now stay put until i get back.

Gordon: Understood.*get's back in the car* 

Gordon watched Batman went up to the roof to find a way to get in without being caught. Batman found a hatch that goes down to the store so he took it. He dropped down quietly to not alert anybody in here. Batman then found a vent to go into, so he open it and climb into it. He went stealthy... until he heard him... the mad man himself...

Minion: Yes I Understand...

Mad Hatter: You suppose to say sir after that...

Minion: Yes sir.*look's at him*

Minion: Sir what are we going to do if the Batman doesn't show up?

Mad Hatter: Trust me he will come. He alway's do when dear Alice is in trouble... Isn't that right Alice?*comes closer to her*

Kidnapped Girl: You Insane.... Get away from me!*back's up to the wall*

Mad Hatter: Now dear Alice... You got all wrong. I'm mad... not insane.. Their's a difference you know.*giggles*

Batman couldn't take anymore from this so he got out of the vent. He told the hostage to stay quiet so he can sneak up on a minion of the Mad Hatter. She just nodded quietly understanding what he was trying to tell her. He walked up to one of them and punched him to the ground...

Mad Hatter: O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! Batman here to play!

Batman: I not playing you'r game's Jervis....*look's tired*

Mad Hatter: Oh but you must. If you want to save dear Alice!*claps his hands*

Kidnapped Girl: Please help me... I-i'm don't want to die...

Mad hatter: Shush dear alice.... You gonna to ruined the game!

Kidnapped Girl: ...*scared for her life*

Batman saw the looked on her face, scare for her life. He gonna make sure she be safe and unharmed from this man. Batman threw a batarang at the Mad hatter causing him to fall to the ground... crawling towards the wall cause he knew he already missed up when he showed up...

Batman: It okay you'r safe now...*look's down at her* He won't hurt you.

Kidnapped Girl: T-thank you... I-i though i was gonna to d-die from h-him...*hug's him*

Batman: Well you safe now. He can't harm you.*looks at her with gentleness*

Mad hatter looked at the girl and realized she was hugging batman. He don't know why but it felt like his heart is on fire. But he didn't say anything cause he knew the Batman was angry already with him...

Batman: Gordon outside waiting for you. He take you to the GCPD to ask you some questions.

Kidnapped Girl: T-thank's so much...*run's out of the building*

Batman walked up to the scared man that was at the wall hiding for his life. Batman dragged him out to the outside of the building clearly upset and angry... While of course Mad hatter tried to get out of his grip, but he knew he got a good strong grip and he weak compare to the dark knight...

Mad Hatter: No... This can't be how it end's....*start crying* I just want my Alice...

Batman: It's over Jervis. You going back to the Asylum. Where you belong.

Mad Hatter: No! I don't want to go back.... Please don't make me go! I-i won't make it in their!

Gordon: Finally caught that creep.*look's down at him*

Batman: How did you even manage to escape? *look's down at him*

Mad hatter: I can't reveal my magic trick's.... Beside i not a creep i'm mad and that's it. Please don't make me go back...*grabbing onto Batman cape*

Gordon: Want me to take him back?*look's at him*

Batman: No Gordon i got this. You take care of the girl first. She need's it...

Gordon: Understood. See you at the Asylum?*walks to his car*

Batman: *nod's his head* I see you their Gordon.

Batman watched Gordon leave with the Girl that got kidnapped in the back seat and she was wiping her tear's away clearly happy that she got away. Batman open the back door and gently threw Jervis in their. He went up to the driver seat and started to drive off just listening  to his own thought ...

Mad Hatter: Are you mad?*tries to climb into the front seat right beside him*

Batman: What are you doing Jervis.*tries to focus on the road*

Mad hatter: I don't like the back seat. Oof!*fall's into the front seat*

Batman: I had to deal with Joker, Now you? Can't this night get any worser...*sigh*

Mad hatter: Why did you let the girl hug you?*sound's pissed* How come you never let me hug you?*sounds upset*

Batman: She was clearly upset. So i let her hug me... Nothing more. Plus why would i let you hug me. I don't do that with people like you.*side eye glances him*

Mad Hatter: *pouts* Not fair.... Why does all of our encounter always end up like this...

Batman: Because you deserve to be in Arkham Asylum. *looks at him*

Mad Hatter: Preheap's a tea party will do! Then the Batman can play!*giggle*

Batman: That's not the point and you didn't pay attention to what i just said... Look Jervis, I want to help you get better... I really do...*sigh*

Mad Hatter: If you wanna help, Then why be callous....*look's at him*

Batman: Excuse me? *see the sign*

Mad Hatter: Join me... and be my Alice~*look's down at the handcuffs then looked at him clearly having a flirty smile on his face*

Batman: ....*look's at the road not even gonna answer*

Mad Hatter: *whisper* Just you wait... you be mine... you see Alice...

The rest of the trip was silent, Batman can't believe that the Mad Hatter said that... he side glance to the person right beside him to see him looking out the window. Batman looked down at his hand to see that the Mad hatter hand was on top of his. He wanted to say something, but it might cause a huge fuss and he doesn't want to crash, their be almost back to the asylum and put him their for his own good...

A Mad Man In Love with The Bat~ Bathatter'sWhere stories live. Discover now