Batman Greatest Fear....

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After finally walking around to a different section of the asylum, the two were just walking in silence. The mad hatter was still flustered, after Batman's compliment to him. It touched his heart, he doesn't know how long he been desiring him. Batman was looking all around him to assure that no one was trying to plan a sneak attack, while hooking his arm around Jervis. Jervis blushed at the sudden action thinking to himself " Oh my god the Batman has my arm hooked with his!!". Of course Batman didn't pay no mind to this, cause he already has so much on his plate. Thinking that Jervis would be safer, he told him this...

Batman: Jervis, I think we should split up to cover more ground of this island.*look's down at him*

Jervis: W-what Alice... W-why...*look's up at him*

Batman: So we can cover more ground. That's why.*looks serious*

Jervis: D-did i say s-something wrong to you?

Batman: No you didn't Jervis. You didn't do or say something.

Jervis: B-but why now... I-i thought w-we make a g-good team...

Batman: We do Jervis...*look's at him*

Jervis: I-it was Catwomen wasn't it...look's down*

Batman: ...*doesn't know what to say*

The reason why Batman said that is cause he had a bad feeling like something was going to happen to them. Jervis started to sniffle a little, hurt by this. Batman tried not to looked upset, but his eye's had the sadness in it. Batman hugged Jervis gently, feeling upset by his reaction. After all he is a sensitivity, Jervis gently hugged him back and started to weep away...

Batman: ?!*is shocked*

Jervis: W-why alice... I-i don't want t-this to end...*hugs him tight*

Batman:*wrap's an arm around him* It don't have to end...

Jervis: *look's up at him* W-what?

Batman: It just or a few minutes or hour's. Then you come find me....

Jervis: I-i don't want t-to leave you'r s-side....

Batman was shocked by this statement, it made him bring Jervis closer to him. Jervis just clutched him because he don't want him to leave. Batman tried not to let out his tear's, because this is the very same sentence his parent's told him. Jervis looked up at him with mixed emotion maybe it was love, care, or sadness... That was until Jervis felt something wet fell on top of his head, he looked up and that's when his heart shattered... in front of him was Batman crying....

Jervis: A-alice?!*look's concerned*

Batman: P-please, it's f-for you'r own good J-jervis...*chocked sobs*

Jervis: A-alice...tries to hug him*

 Batman: I-i can't lose y-you too J-jervis... I-i just c-can't...

Jervis: ...

Batman: *look's down* I-i care too m-much to s-see you d-die...

Jervis: Oh Alice.... I-

Batman: J-just go, somewhere safe... P-please for me....

Jervis: I-i not l-leaving you A-alice...*step's closer*

Batman had more tear's dripping down from his eye's, it made Jervis hurt more than he ever did. Jervis hugged him gently, and looked up at him with a heartbroken expression thinking " I can't believe he crying, i never seen him like this...". Batman tried his best to not break down, but he collapse into Jervis arm's crying his eye's out. It made Jervis felt bad, so he hold his face and looked at him...

A Mad Man In Love with The Bat~ Bathatter'sWhere stories live. Discover now