Encounter With Catwoman

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Finally splitting up on their on mission to finish for the night of a long journey starting from here until the next day. Batman was wiping his face from blood from the last guy he beat up to get him to talk and give him the answer that he seek. Jervis was nervous because he was thinking about all he could do and tell the dark knight on this journey that could bring them closer. He looked up at Batman and just nervously smile at him trying to start a conversation with him so maybe it wouldn't be weird with the silence...

Jervis: S-so Alice what the first step of you'r plan?*looks at him*

Batman: Good question. We going to find joker...*side eye glance*

Jervis: W-what if we run into trouble?*look's nervous*

Batman: They get in my way. Well then... they just about to find out what will happen.*look's serious*

Jervis: O-okay... I-i just m-making sure...*look's scared*

Batman: No need to get nervous Jervis. You be safe and sound...*look's at him*

Jervis: I know that it's just-*gets interrupted*

Jervis got interrupted by Batman putting a hand on his shoulder. It wasn't a threating way it was more like a comforting way or a loving way. That action made Jervis blush and looked at him speechless. He could have sworn that he saw kindness in his eye's and he usually see coldness and bitterness in them. Batman looked down and form a small smile, causing Jervis heart to explode from happiness and from love....

Batman: Nothing going to happen to you, not when i here.... *gently smile* Not when i here.

Jervis: I-i... thank you.....*gently smiles*

Batman: We going to go through this together. You & Me*lightly squeezes his shoulder*

Jervis: A-alice... There's something i been wanting to tell you....*squeezes his hand* F-for a while n-now...

Batman: Whatever you have to say, you can say it now.*look's into his eyes*

Jervis: A-alice... I-i l-love...*is flustered*

Jervis got interupted by the sound of heel's clicking against the tile floor. They both turned getting ready to fight, but they turned around to see a women in a cat suit walking up to them with such sass and all that. Jervis faced turn to a sour of a look... then the women started to talk to them...

Catwoman: Well if it isn't the bat... My day just got better~*smirks*

Batman: Hello Catwomen. What bring's you here?*look's at her*

Catwomen: Gulity as charged... *smiles*

Catwomen walked up to Batman and trail a finger on his cape in a loving way. Jervis blood started to boil and he looked at her with jealously in his eye's. Catwomen smirked at Batman, causing Jervis to look at her with anger and hatred for that...

Catwomen: Ah, if it isn't the Mad Hatter or what i call you Jervis....*look's at him*

Jervis: Catwomen. What are you doing here. *look's serious*

Catwomen: Making my grand escape from here... This place sucks... Plus i don't deserve to be here. Not like you of course...*giggles*

Jervis: Hmph...*pouts*

Catwomen: Batman why is he here with you? If you don't mind me asking of course...*put her hand's on her hips*

Batman: He helping me with this. He been a great helper so far.*pat's his shoulder*

Catwomen: I see... But maybe you could use my help bat's~*smirks and blow's a kiss at him*

Batman: That's would be-*is flustered*

Jervis: ?!*is angry*

Batman got cut off by Jervis and Catwomen giving each other the evil look. Jervis was mumbling something with his eye's shut close to hide his anger while tipping his hat, while Catwomen folded her arm's around her chest with anger written on her face. Batman got sick of it and instead he hacked into the system and started to call alfred for some information that he needed...

Jervis: We don't need you help Missy. Me and my dear sweet Alice got this in the bag.

Catwomen: What can you do that so "special". Please tell me deary.

Jervis: Well i Handsome... you'r "ugly"... Plus i smart!

Catwomen: Well for one i'm beautiful... i can get any man i want. Instead you are obessed with a girl that never loved you in the first place.*smug smile*

Jervis: You take that back right now!*is angry*

Catwomen: Make me Jervis.*look's at him*

Batman had enough he paused his call and came between them two, causing them to be shocked an nervous. They could tell that he was pissed and he was in no mood to hear any of this... he sighed and gave them a cold stare causing them both to be scared of him and stayed quiet...

Batman: I was on a call and you two can't be quiet for two minutes.*look's at them*

Jervis: S-sorry Alice.... I-i didn't mean too....*look's upset*

Catwomen: Sorry Batman.... I didn't mean too either...*looks at him*

Batman: Now apologize too each other now. Please...*look's at both of them*

Catwomen: I'm sorry Jervis... I didn't mean what i said.

Jervis: I sorry too... For what i said.*mumbles to himself* No i don't..

Batman: Good. Now i gotta finish with this call... Don't do anything dumb.

Jervis: Okay Alice!*giggles* But don't take to long. We got a mission to do!

Catwomen: I see you around Batman. I getting out of here...*gently smiles*

Batman: Will do Catwomen. See you later.*look's at her*

Jervis: Alice who do you think look better? Me or Her...*look's at him*

Batman: You both look fine to me. But if i had to choose it will have to be you.*nod's his head*

Jervis: *blushes* O-oh Alice~ You really mean that...

Batman:*has a faint blush* Yes i think you quiet charming. That what make you... you. You special in you'r own way...*hang's up the call*

Jervis: *giggles* O-oh Alice... That makes me feel so good! You quiet handsome your'self~

Batman:*hides his blush* Thank you. I apperciate that. Really i do apperciate it..

So the two of them continue the journey to find the Joker. Jervis had to hooked his arm around Batman arm in a loving way, causing the dark knight to gently smile at that. He knew what was up with them two when they ran into Catwomen, after all can you really keep a secret away from the Batman... But he knew what Jervis sentence was going to be, he going to let him finish it when the time come's for that and when he is ready to finish his sentence to him...

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