Finding Jervis...

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After an hour of Gordon and Batman went different way's of this place. Batman kept walking very slowly and cautious. Because all the inmate's could have escape from their cell's and he need to be prepare. He did beat up a couple of the inmate's on his way around the place. He wasn't letting Joker win this time. If he can just find Jervis, then maybe he could have some more backup then just him and Gordon to help everyone in this place that is trapped here as well. That was until he heard talking from his walkie-talkie...

Gordon: Batman, I found the Warden...*sound's upset*

Batman: Where is he?*walking*

Gordon: I'm following Harley Quinn,and she has the warden. She taking him to the Joker... That can't be good...

Batman: Alright, I hear you. Stay hidden...

Gordon: Oh trust me i will. I might look around to see if the criminals are in the cell's...*sigh*

Batman: Got it.

Gordon: Have you found the Mad Hatter yet?

Batman: I went to his cell. But to not see him in their....

Gordon: He could be running around the place. Be careful Batman...

Batman: I alway's am. You be careful to Jim. If you need anything call me. Got it?

Gordon: Got it. I holler at you later.

Gordon hang up so that Batman can continue the search for the Mad hatter. He had some close encounter's but nothing that he can't handle. He then started to come up with a plan of what shall he do next and what not. That when he heard some talking around the corner of the room....

Joker thug #1: Look what we caught... in our trap. The Mad Hatter himself....

Joker thug #2: I sorry but you ain't on the party invite list pal.*chuckles*

Joker thug #3: Should we beat him up?*let's out a laugh*

Joker thug #2: Why not have some fun with him.*look's at him*

Mad Hatter: I-i wouldn't do that if i were you.... My a-alice would be so angry....* tries to sound tough*

Joker thug #1: What? No one coming to save you.*roll's his eye's*

Matter Hatter: My Alice always come's and saves me! That's how it work's!

All of the thug's: ...?*look's confused*

Batman heard someone got slapped, he looked and saw Jervis on the ground clutching his cheek clearly his eye's begin to welled up with tear's. Batman felt raged bubbling in his chest when he saw him on the floor hurt and about to cry. He picked up Jervis very gently into his arm's, and looked into his eye's with a gentle and a caring vibe in his eye's...

Batman: You alright Jervis?*look's at him with concern in his voice*

Mad Hatter: O-oh my...*blushes* A-alice...*look's up at him*

Batman: *put's his down gently* Let me take care of them for a minute shouldn't be too long.

Mad Hatter:*blushing* A-alright alice.... *starts to fan himself with his hand's*Oh if Alice was here to see this... S-she would be jealous..

Batman grabbed one of the thugs by the throat and slammed him to the floor hard. He then attack the other two, and started to beat them up to death but not really but just to make sure they don't get back up. Jervis was looking and started to blush more, and started to sigh dreamily at the man that saved him from certain doom.... He looked at the thugs who was on the floor passed out... Batman came up to him and lifted him up...

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