Return To Arkham Asylum

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They finally reached the place where the supposed to be at. Of course Batman parked the batmobile, and open the passgener door. Mad hatter just let out a sad sigh and got up clearly upset, and batman started pushing him by the back very gently. Just to make sure he don't escape he went in with him.He clearly heard some kind of sound that Jervis made, and he looked down to see him covering his mouth. Batman didn't say anything so he kept on walking, to see Gordon was waiting for them to come...

Gordon: Nice to see you came back safe and sound...*walk's to them*

Batman: Yeah the drive was long. But worth it.Enjoy the scenary*pop's his fist*

Gordon: Aaron just told me they checked Joker in, and put him in his cell. Hopefully for good this time.

Batman: Hopefully, he don't try to escape again.*sigh*

Mad Hatter: Do you want to sip tea with me Alice?*wiggle's around trying to get out of the cuffs*

Gordon: Who is he talking to?*raises eyebrow*

Batman: No Jervis, maybe another time when I not "busy".

Mad Hatter: Awww... but Alice...*tries to hold on the batman*

Gordon: ?!*tries to pry him off*

So they had to get back up to help pry the Mad hatter off of Batman. It took three men plus Batman and Gordon to get him off.  Mad Hatter got very sad and Aaron came by and grabbed the mad Hatter and started to take him to his cell...

Mad Hatter: Can't wait for our next encounter Alice~*look's back at Batman*

Batman: Yeah hopefully, it won't be the next time you try to escape.*looks at him*

Aaron:*tired face* Mr. Tetch please, let's just get you back to you'r cell. We don't got all night...

Mad Hatter:*tries to make a heart shape out of his hand* 

Batman: *doesn't know how to respond* ...

Gordon and Batman just watched the other officer's take the Mad Hatter to were they hold their cell's to put them in. Gordon just looked confused at the man beside him. While Batman just sighed and started to walk toward's the outside ready to go back home. That was until Gordon called out to him...

Gordon: You sure you don't want to stay and have a cup of drink. You know to thank you for you'r help.

Batman: No. Thank you for the offer though...*look's at him*

Gordon: Please my treat.... Beside their is something i like to discuss with you.*eyes him*

Batman: Is it important?*raises eyebrow*

Gordon: Yes it is. Something that one of my cop's heard...I think you want to hear it..

Batman: Can this night get in badder?*sigh*

Gordon: I know, i want to be home with my family... but i do my job as a officer.

Batman: Fine, i suppose i could stay a while. For the information of course...

Gordon: Glad you agree to that...*gently smiles*

Batman:*has a small smile*

Gordon handed Batman something to drink, for saying thank's for saving them again. Batman just nodded his head and took a sip just looking around. Gordon looked around to see all of his officers doing their jobs. Gordon then cleared his throat and begin to speak....

Gordon: Do you think that the Joker got caught easily?

Batman: Yep, It's never that easy to catch him... espically that quick.*eyes him*

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