A Valentine Date...

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Today was the day of Valentine's day, where you spend it with you'r love one's. Since Batman's been way to busy to keep track of the day's. Oh but not Jervis, he been waiting for this day to come and it finally did. He been planning all year just for this moment. To have his first Valentine with the man he love's. Let's see what he got up his sleeve for them...

Jervis: Alice? Do you know what today is?*look's at him*

Batman: *sigh* Valentine's Day. Why you ask Jervis?

Jervis:*blushes* S-since w-we are a couple, I t-thought we could spend o-our first valentine's together...

Batman: You don't say.*look's at him*

Jervis: Will you, won't you, will you, won't you- Won't you be mine valentine's?*smiles at him*

Batman was shocked by this quick question, he didn't even know today was Valentine until it just pop in his head. Jervis had a huge smile, while he tipped his hat while having his arm behind his back. Batman turned his head so he can't see him blushing. He doesn't want to be more flustered then he already is, so he turned around and gave him his answer...

Batman: I suppose I could make time for this date of our's....*gently smiles*

Jervis: You just made me the happiest man alive!*jumps up and down*

Batman:*hide his smile* You quiet welcome Jervis.

Jervis: Oh come here Alice!*Jumps on him* Catch me!

Batman:What!*is shocked*

Batman caught him in his arm's, and it made him nervous cause Jervis could have gotten hurt. But Jervis didn't care, he was just so happy to him to hear his "Alice" said yes. He squished Batman cheek's causing a blush to form on the him. Batman just lowered his head to avoid his face to hide his blush, but that didn't work. Jervis just smiled and hugged his neck, and looked at him...

Jervis: Oh Alice, you make my heart jumped everytime I see or hear you...*loveing smiles*

Batman:*blushes*   ...

Jervis: Is my Alice blushing? Aww, so cute!*giggles*

Batman: *blushes more* Hmph.

Jervis: I know what can help you with that!*looks at him*

Batman: What would that be Jervis if you don't mind me asking?*look's at him*

Jervis:*lean's towards him* Alice? Let me know if someone tries to hurt you. I will do anything to protect you.

Batman:*is shocked* Why are you leaning closer...*look's at him*

Jervis: So I can give you a valentine's gift silly!*gently smiles*

Batman: Be my guest then...*look's at him*

Jervis leaned towards him and kissed his cheek, since he didn't want to be rude. Batman just looked at him and just smiled, and he kissed him. Jervis didn't even expect that, but he not complaining so he kissed him back. It was a smoothing kiss, not a rough one just a gentle kiss..

Jervis: O-oh my... I-is it just me or is it g-getting hot in here?*blushes*

Batman: *chuckles* Just you Jervis...

Jervis: That was a nice little kiss...*look's at him*

Batman: Really now? Who flustered now~*smirks*

Jervis: *blushes* I-i...

Batman: I love you Jervis. I alway's do and alway's will...*kisses him*

Jervis: Mhm!*taken by Surpise*

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