Meeting Poison Ivy

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After that date they had they gotten even closer, just a bunch of smiling and laughing. Batman was walking ahead so Jervis couldn't see his blushing face about what happen during the tea party. Jervis was just happily skipping behind him not caring in the world, not until Batman stopped him and pointed at the t.v....

Joker: Hello Batsy! Did you miss me? It been forever since I saw you'r face!*smiles at him*

Batman: Joker. What do you want now.*look's serious*

Jervis:*mumbles to himself* You will regret it joker for what you done to my poor alice..

Joker: Relax bat's i'm having all the fun in the world!*claps his hand*

Batman:*sigh* I will you stop you this time Joker. You see.

Joker: Sure you will bat's.... But I have something to show you! Here have a look for you'r self~*giggles*

Jervis:*whispers to Batman* I bet it gonna be something stupid alice...

Batman: No telling about him.*gently smiles*

Joker: Hey! What are you guy's even talking about!*look's pissed* Talking behind my back I see!

Jervis: Nothing Joker...*looks at him*

Batman: Get this over already Joker. I got places to be at.

Joker: Hmph. Fine then batsy only because you said so.*pouts*

He turned the camera around for them to see, and they saw poison ivy in her cell. It was a good thing she still in their, they don't need anymore trouble on their hand's. That was until they saw Harley Quinn walking around her until she notice, so they can hear their conversation.

Harley: Oh! Heya Red!*smiles at her*

Ivy: Harley you have to get me out of here...please...

Harley: I don't know you not on the guest list....*looks at her*

Ivy: Don't you hear them crying they need help...*look back at her*

Harley: Why not Red you'r my best friend after all!*unlock the door*

Ivy: Thank you Harley you doing a good deed for mother nature...*smiles at her*

Harley: I wasn't really supposed to let you out, but you'r my friend so I had to!*giggles*

Ivy: I will never forget what you done for me...

Ivy stepped outta her cell and stretch and she walked away all sassy, it remind Batman of Catwomen she act the same way. Joker couldn't help but start laughing and it made Batman angry. Jervis just side eye Joker since he still pissed.

Joker: Them two has the greatest friendship ever!*giggles insanly*

Jervis: *whispers to batman* W-what are we going to do now?

Batman: We have to find her before she cause chaos.*nod's his head*

Joker: Well I be off I gotta get ready for the surprise party! Catch ya later Bat's! See you at the party!*cuts the t.v. off*

Batman wasted no time and started heading outside to get to the botanical garden, he know she their. He putted Jervis in a watch tower's and told him to "keep an eye on snipers" Jervis just nodded. They need to take the sniper's out before they can get in the building....

Batman: Remember Jervis tell me if you see a sniper...

Jervis: I whistle when I see them!*smiles*

Batman: Good. We have to take them out before we can enter the building....*gently smiles*

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