Batman Been Kidnapped...

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After the big epic fight against Harley Quinn, they continue to walk amongst the long hall's of this place that they trapped in. They continue for their search for the Joker, while being careful.... cause you never know who got out of their cells. Batman had his vision mode on to see more clearler, while Jervis just looked around scared that his "alice" might get hurt.... But other wise, they were also keeping an eye out for the warden...

Batman: Room clear.* keeps walking*

Jervis: Y-you really did a number on Miss Quinn alice....*eyes him*

Batman: Well, she was in the way. Plus she be out of our way for a while...*gently smirks*

Jervis: Oh boy! You really is the man i fall for~*giggles*

Batman: *gently grabs his hand* I hope i doing a really good job at it.

Jervis: Oh Alice~ You never failed to impress me!*smiles at him*

Batman: Good. I'm glad I not disappointed you.*kisses his hand* 

Jervis:*starts faning himself* Golly gosh i-is it just me or is it h-hot in here....

Batman: Come on you silly....*kisses his cheek* Try to keep up with me if you can...

Jervis:*blushes more* Wait for me!*runs after him* Wow you'r fast!

Batman hooked his arm around Jervis, and just smile at him. That made Jervis even more lovestruck than he ever was. Jervis just scooted closer to him so he can be right beside him, and batman just nodded. They continue walking for a few, until the walkie-talkie started talking.... and it was Gordon...

Batman: Hello Gordon.

Gordon: Hello, Batman it's great to hear you...

Jervis: Hi Gordon!

Gordon: Hello to you too Jervis...*chuckles*

Batman: What is that you called us?

Gordon: Alway's straight to the point aren't you?*chuckles*

Batman: I like to get things done.*sigh*

Gordon: Can't blame you. But i calling to tell you that Miss Quinn escape...

Batman: What? How?* looks serious*

Jervis: Maybe someone came and help her?*looks at him*

Gordon: Sounds like it. But i found some of my cop's i told them to get to the front enterance to safety...

Batman: Thank for the warning Gordon...*gently smiles*

Gordon: My pleasure Batman. Protect him Jervis, will you?*chuckles*

Jervis: You can count on me Gordon! I protect my alice!*smiles*

Gordon: Good that what i like to hear. Catch ya later...*hangs up*

Batman: Now we must be careful... Quinn is dangerous...*look's serious*

Jervis: We got this! If she comes we fight her!*giggles*

Batman: Sure we will...*nods his head*

They continue walking, but they didn't know that someone was following them. Carefully they walked until Batman suddenly stopped. Making Jervis concern, Batman whispered "Don't move" causing Jervis to gently nod his head. Out of nowhere Joker jumped on Batman choking the life out of him....

Joker: Surpise Batsy!*giggles insanly*

Batman:*is struggling* Get. off. Of. Me...

Joker: Harley! Like we Practice dear!

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