Going Into A Crocodile Man Territory

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They were trying to find an entrance to the sewer's to get the cure for this titan. Ivy has gotten out of control since Joker injected her with titan so they will have to make more of the cure just in case. Batman was walking around talking to Gordon about the plan even though he said "It too dangerous to go down their". But Batman convice him to stay put above while them two go down their. Batman tried to reason with Jervis to stay up here where it's safe from Killer croc...

Batman: It might be best if you do stay up here with Gordon...*looks at him*

Jervis: For the last time Alice I coming with you... No question ask!*eyes him*

Batman: But you don't know how dangerous he really is...*look's upset*

Jervis: Oh Alice I been in the asylum for god how long, I gotten to know my inmate's really well!*look's at him*

Batman:*sigh* You not gonna to say agree with me anyway. Fine but you have to stay close and quiet at all time's. Understand?

Jervis: Mhm!*nod's his head*

Batman:*closes his eye's and kissed his hand* So brave you is~

Jervis: Well I learnt it from you alice~*giggles*

Batman: I glad you is brave on this journey...*gently smiles*

Jervis:*kisses his cheek* Of course for you Alice!

Gordon:*walk's up behind them* You didn't except me to come and say good luck too you two?

Jervis: Gordon!*runs up to him*

Gordon was taken by surprise of Jervis hugging him, but it made him laugh quietly to himself. Batman hide his smile so they couldn't see it but they both saw the corner of his mouth up, causing them both to be shocked by this. But what caught them both to be shock was to hear a few chuckles coming from the Dark Knight...

Gordon: Was that a chuckle I heard?*smiles at him*

Jervis: Oh Alice those were the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard!*smiles at him*

Batman: Tell no one of this and keep it to your self I have a reputation to uphold...*looks away*

Gordon: Of course Batman...*gently smiles*

Jervis: I would love to keep something like that to myself!*giggles*

Batman:*kisses his forehead* Good for you then.

Gordon: I just came to wish y'all good luck down their... Since you know how Killer Croc can be...*look's concern*

Jervis: Then what you will be doing here?*tilts his head*

Gordon: Gonna to find the rest of the villians and I might go find Riddler...*sigh*

Batman: Riddler back again? *looks serious*

Gordon: Yeah I found one of his trophy's... But don't worry I handle him so you don't have to do it...*gently smiles*

Batman: Good I already got enough on my plate as it is.*folds his arms*

Jervis: Yeah we need to make the cure for this horrible titian! Plus we need to cure Ivy!*look's at them*

Gordon: I did notice her plant's around the place. Let me guess Joker caused this?*sigh*

Batman: You guessed it right. He alway's causing something horrible...*sigh*

Gordon: Well I won't hold you up any longer. Good luck fella's... We meet again when we need to.

Batman: Call anytime you need something...*looks at him*

Jervis: Or if you an trouble. We come as soon as we can!*smiles at him*

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