Freeing Batman...

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Jervis ran and ran to the point he was out of breath, but he kept going. He need to find Gordon so he can help him get his "alice" back from them monster's that took him. He took a minute to catch his breath and look around to make sure no one followed him."Poor alice" He thought to himself while hiding... until he heard footsteps coming his way and he perked up when he heard Gordon.

Gordon: Jervis? Is that you i heard running down the hall?*walks up to him*

Jervis: Oh goodness Gordon! You scared me!*wipes the sweat off of him*

Gordon: Sorry about that. Where batman? Did you two seperate?*look's around*

Jervis: Alice been kidnapped! By miss harley! By the Joker as well!*look's scared*

Gordon: Good god. This is bad.... real bad....*looks nervous*

Jervis: He tried to protect me... and that how they caught him...*looks down*

Gordon: It not you'r fault jervis..... he knew the risk and he took them to protect the people he loves....*gently smiles* Like you?

Jervis:*blushes* Shush! You making me flustered Mister Gordon...

Gordon:*chuckles* My bad, i knew you two make a nice couple.

Jervis:*covers his face* O-oh my...

Gordon: We need a plan before we go and save him before them monster do something to him.*look's serious*

Jervis: Knowing the joker that not gonna to be easy for us....*looks at him*

Gordon: You right.... Plus we need to deal with Harley before going to get joker and whoever else is with him.*look's at him*

Jervis and Gordon walked while they talk about the plan to save Batman. Worried for the Batman, but they know he can defend himself, they just hope it not to late to save him. Gordon knew they both were a couple, but didn't say anything, didn't want them to be embrassed about it. They finally came up with the plan to save the Dark Knight from the clutches of the Joker.

Gordon: I hope it ain't to late.....*look's nervous*

Jervis: M-me too.... i-i hope w-we get their i-in time..*eyes him*

Gordon: We will trust me.*gently smiles*

Jervis: If alice trust you so do i!*gently smiles*

Gordon: Good.*smiles at him*

Back with Batman~

Batman looked around where he was held captured, he was hanging from a rope to a pool of acid. "Classic Joker" he thought because he knew who did this plan. He saw Joker with that insane smile still on his face and hand on his hip's.Harley who had a machine gun on her shoulder looking at him, and finally scarecrow. What he doing here? Who know's probably come to torture him as well and give him his fear toxin to practice with....

Joker: Look what the bat drop in? Hi batsy!*smiles at him*

Batman: *sigh* What do you want Joker.

Joker:*grab's a hold of his chin* I don't want anything bat's. Why would i need anything if i got you to put a smile on my face?*smiles*

Harley: Go get him pudding!*giggles*

Batman: What you doing is wrong. Keeping innocent in here to play you'r twisted game's.*look's serious*

Joker: Oo~ But it is fun! Why not have fun while we have them here?*tilts head*

Batman: Killing cop's, kidnap the warden, keeping us in here. Wait till i get my hand's on you.*eyes him*

A Mad Man In Love with The Bat~ Bathatter'sWhere stories live. Discover now