A Tea Party With The Clown Prince Of Crime

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Batman was now tired from all the fighting he just did against Poison Ivy, making him twice the stressed out. Jervis notice his change of mood so he tighted his arm around his, keeping him steady. All Batman could do was gently smiles at him and patted him, causing Jervis to also smile at him. So Batman straighten his back and tried to walk, but with how much he lost his energy it was making it more difficult to progress with his mission.

Jervis: Be more careful Alice... you don't look to good...*faces him*

Batman: I be fine Jervis. I just need to keep going...*sigh*

Jervis: Are you kidding me! Alice you a-almost collapse back their!*look's at him*

Batman: It probably from when I was dealing with Ivy...*catches his step*

Jervis: See! You almost fall again!*tries to help him*

Batman: Argh. I hate people seeing me like this.*get up*

Jervis: Alice? What are you doing? You could get hurt!*look's concern*

Batman: Jervis I'm fine. We don't have time to stop we need to capture the Joker.*side eye him*

Jervis: *look's at him* A-alright Alice...

Batman: *put's his hand on the wall* ....

Jervis: Alice!*rushes to him*  Oh dear!

Batman: I just need a second to catch my breath..*look's down*

Jervis:*walks up to face him* You need any help to pull you up?

Batman:*chuckles* I suppose you wouldn't mind helping me? Now would you~

Jervis:*blushes* Of course I help Alice! After all it my job as you'r boyfriend!

Batman: Good. I guess I need help just for a little...*quick peck*

Jervis: *gives him a quick peck* Of course Alice until you get the feeling back into you'r legs...

Jervis wrapped his arm around Batman waist, causing him to blush. All he could see was a slight smirk on the Dark Knight face, making Jervis more nervous. Batman hooked his arm around Jervis arm to support himself. Jervis smiled at the thought of finally helping the man he love's. So they started walking and looking around to see if the coast is clear of danger... Until on the T.v. The clown prince of crime showed his face...

Joker: Hello Batsy! Hello to you to the Mad Hatter!*smiles at them*

Batman: What is this time Joker.*look's at him*

Joker: Batsy! Why so serious all the time when we talk or meet!*pout's*

Batman: ...*sigh*

Jervis: Could you please answer his question Joker?*look's at him*

Joker: Fine then, get to the point of why I contacting you on the t.v.*chuckles*

Batman: It better be important Joker. Unless you wanna find out what happen when you waste my time...*look's serious*

Joker: Oh would you relax bat's? I was getting their! I wanna invite you both to a tea party! Hosted by me of course!*chuckles insanly*

Jervis: Oooo~ A tea party! Really!*eye's sparkle*

Joker: I mean who wouldn't want to come to whatever the Clown Prince Of Crime comes up with! It like the bomb!*claps his hand*

Batman:*whispers to Jervis* I don't like this. He planning something.

Jervis: Aw! But it a tea party! We can try to make a peace offer to him!*gently smiles*

Batman: Joker don't do peace offer's. He got something else plan.*look's serious*

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