A Fight Against Mother Nature...

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After finally escaping the sewer, from Killer Croc. Batman couldn't wrap around his head why he spared them for? He could have killed them their? Maybe he wasn't so bad after all? It doesn't matter now, he need to get them both to his second bat cave on this island to make the cure for Ivy. He walked up to a high place and looked around, waiting for Jervis to get up here as well since he decide to walk...

Jervis:*out of breath* Goodness gracious Alice... t-that was the longest w-walk I ever done...

Batman: You just out of shape Jervis...*look's below*

Jervis: Why are we up here?*looks at him*

Batman: I show you why we are here in a few seconds..*eyes him*

Jervis: What does that mean?*raises his eyebrow*

Batman:*picks him up* You see soon.

Jervis: W-woah..*get's startle* W-what are you doing!

Batman: Relax Jervis I not gonna drop you..*sigh*

Jervis: Wait what? A-are you serious o-of gliding w-with me in y-you'r arm's...*look's up at him*

Batman: You can trust me I won't drop you. We need to get to the Batcave to make the cure.

Jervis: Bat cave?*look's curious* Is that you'r secret place?

Batman: Sort of. I mean yeah it only for me anyway.*gently smiles*

Jervis: Okay i trust you alice...*hugs his neck* 

Batman: Ready dear?*look's at him*

Jervis: Ready when you are!*giggles*

Batman looked at Jervis and fall forward off the mountain, making sure Jervis was holding on tight. His cape help him glide to where they supposed to be at. Jervis couldn't help but looked around with awe of how everything look in the air. Batman landed and put Jervis down and walked towards the entrance...

Bat Computer: Scanning Complete. Welcome Batman.*open the door*

Batman:*walks in their* Welcome to the Bat Cave Jervis..

Jervis: Wow! This place is big!*look's around*

Batman: You free to look around, but don't touch anything. You hear me?*eyes him*

Jervis: Mhm! I hear you!*walk's away*

Batman:*typing on the computer* Oracle I making the cure for the titan right now.

Oracle: Great work Batman! How's my father doing?*sounds worried*

Batman: You'r father is fine Oracle, he being his usual self.*sigh*

Oracle: He alway's been like that. Can you please keep him safe for me?

Batman: Of course I will.*gently smiles* I will make sure he get's home tonight...

Oracle: Call me if you need anything. I let you know about anything that happen in Gotham..

Batman: Got you. I let you know if anything is wrong...

Oracle:*hang's up*

Batman: I almost got the formula complete for the cure.*side eyes him*

Jervis:*put his arm around the chair* Almost done Alice?

Batman: Almost done. I just need to simply the compound of the titan to the cure...*look's at him*

Jervis:*kisses his neck* This is nice Alice... It been a long night for you? Hasn't it?

Batman:*gently smiles* It alway's a long night for me dear...

Jervis: *nuzzles his head* I can agree to that...

A Mad Man In Love with The Bat~ Bathatter'sWhere stories live. Discover now