A Fight Against Harley Quinn

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After all that chaos that they been through, like Scarecrow fear toxin. It still affected the dark knight but he know he has to keep going to keep everyone safe from the joker. To keep his new partner safe, he willing to risk his life for him. After all that what a hero does to protect the people he loves. Jervis had his arm hooked around Batman arm to keep him from falling, and to make sure he fine and well for the next big thing that could happen at any moment...

Jervis: You alright Alice?*look's concern*

Batman: Jervis, you ask me nine times already. I'm fine. Really....*sigh*

Jervis: I know that i mean... I-i never seen you c-cry before... It m-made me w-worried...*eyes him*

Batman: Hm. It was just the fear toxin. I thought i told you to go where gordon was for safety..

Jervis: I-i couldn't leave y-you behind.... I will f-feel so bad if I did that...

Batman: Thank you for coming back to get me....*gently smiles*

Jervis: Well i couldn't let my Alice die...*lean's in*

Batman: I know what you question was gonna be...before you got interrupted.*look's at him*

Jervis:*is shocked* H-how d-did you know?

Batman: Can't hide anything from the greatest detective. You were gonna confess you'r feeling for me before we were interrupted. *look's at him*

Jervis:*blushes* W-well isn't this just embarrassing... 

Batman: Well then, Jervis i have fallen in love with you...*smiles*

Jervis: Y-you mean t-that....*look's at him*

Batman: I wouldn't kiss you back now would i?*chuckles*

Jervis: O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! Alice loves me!*giggles*

Batman:*gently smiles* 

Jervis squished Batman cheeks with his and and start to smile big at him, causing the Dark Knight to blush a little. Of course Jervis pulled out a phone and took a picture of them both holding each other. Jervis mind was going crazy with all of these thoughts for the future. Batman just kissed his nose gently, causing the mad man to giggle...

Batman: I give this a shot with you....*eyes him*

Jervis: You missed a spot...*point to his lips*

Batman: Of course. Got to seal this relationship with a kiss-

Jervis:*interrupted him by kissing him* Mwah!

Batman: Mwah~*smirks at him*

Jervis: ?!*blushes* U-umm....

Batman just chuckled and hooked his arm around Jervis and started walking ahead. Whilst he try to catch up, the heard someone footstep behind them. Batman stopped in his track's, making Jervis looked up at him weirdly... until he said..

Batman: Gordon.*still has his back turned*

Gordon: Batman! Jervis! Thank god i catch up to you guys!*stop's behind of them*

Jervis: *whispers to Batman* How did you know it was him?

Batman:*gently smiles* You get used to the sounds of everyone footstep's.

Gordon: I was going to tell you that scarecrow was out! *look's tired*

Batman: I already dealt with him. Gordon, is this where Harley quinn dragged the warden?

Gordon: Yes it is! I think they still in their... *looks at him*

Jervis: Shouldn't we find a way in their?*looks around*

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