He's Better Than Pizza

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Selene P.O.V
I watched her still, sleeping body lying there as tried to wake her gently.
"Phoebe? Bae?"
She had been back for at least four hours now, and I was feeling it. No one was reblogging my tumblr posts, and the pizza had gone cold. To top it off, my bae was asleep. Hatching a devilish plan I walked to the kitchen to assess my supplies. Frozen peas... Baked beans...
"Yass!" I said as I pulled the chocolate milkshake from the fridge.
I punched her bare arm lightly, as this was my last resort to wake her. In a moment of madness and a swift flick of my wrist, I watched the icy milkshake pour from the tilted glass.
"What the fxck Dan?!" She exclaimed, and I stood back, muffling my screaming laughter. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and the brown liquid dripped from every part of her. Smearing the remains down my top, she put her hand over her mouth, realising what she had said.
"Daniel eh?" I teased. She blushed and looked down, her eyes screaming her everlasting love for him, but her lips staying still. I handed her the towel I had prepared, and she took it gratefully.
"We are just friends." She said, as if she was trying to believe herself. I scoffed at her remark;
"Yeah sure, that's what he meant when he told me he loved you and would never hurt you." I said with a sarcastic tone.
She looked at me, confused. Her eyes widened as she realised what I'd done.
"Oh Lene you didn't give him 'the talk' did you?" I nodded proudly, and she shook her head at me in defeat.
"So? How did it go?" I asked, sitting next to her despite the chocolate covered sofa.

Phoebe P.O.V
"So? How did it go?" Selene asked me. Not able to contain my excitement any longer, I burst, my mouth releasing words like a broken stereo.
"Oh Selene!" I started. "It was everything I'd imagined and more. His friends truly welcomed me, and they're all so lovely. He looked ovary destroying as usual, and every single time he looked at me, my stomach jumped. He even kissed me in front of EVERYONE. I think this is it Selene, I've found my one-in-seven-billion." She widened her eyes at this. "Look, I was always told, you'll know when you find 'the one' and Selene I'm telling you, something's changed in me since I've known him. It's like we just clicked. Selene, he's better than pizza." She winced at this, like a part of her was hurt by hearing these words. I nodded in understanding.
"Well he seems alright to me." She said with a shrug. I knew deep down she approved, she wasn't very good at disguising her feelings, not to me anyway.
We talked all night about him, me, us. Oh and Thomas Sangster of course. Then I remembered.
"Oh and Lene?" I shouted to the kitchen.
"He's got a friend..." Her head peered around the door with curious eyes. I tried to wink, but failed miserably. She was used to it.
"A friend?" She asked, her voice suddenly chirpy.
"Yes. A friend! Oh but he's nothing like Patty if that's your next question."
She breathed out in disappointment and carried on making tea. Selene has a slight... Well very big obsession with the singer of As It Is, Patty Walters, and he sets extremely high standards for any potential boyfriends in her life. It didn't help that we were set to go and see them in two weeks, and she was fixated on the idea that he will sweep her off her feet. I humoured her, going along with her little fantasies. I know I had my own...
I sat watching the raindrops dance down the glass. I scanned the London horizon, wondering what he was doing at this point in time... Listening to the distant radio playing in the hallway, a familiar song came on. Thinking out loud. Our song.
So there I sat, smiling to myself, sipping tea and reliving the night's revels in my head, knowing new ones weren't far away...

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