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Phil P.O.V
I sat in bed, thinking. I could hear them in the kitchen, with the occasional clatter of cutlery. They were giggling and joking, and I realised I was feeling something I hadn't felt in a long time, like a sudden loath of their actions. I think I'm jealous. Jealousy. It's such an evil word, but one that can only be justified with fair reasons for feeling it. I didn't love her, nor fancy her. She was attractive, but not my type. If she was single I wouldn't choose her, but still I was overcome by this emotion.
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. I didn't expect Dan to answer it, so I dragged myself out of bed and slugged towards the door.
A small, red haired girl stood rigid in the doorway. Her eyes locked in mine for a while, until she said something in a tiny voice, very much like Phoebe's.
"Hi, I'm just dropping off some clothes for Phoebe."
I thanked her and closed the door. She seemed put out that I didn't invite her in, but I had other things to think about.
Putting on a welcoming smile, I went into the kitchen, only to find them locked like magnets in each others lips. He was holding her close to him, still oblivious to my appearance. I cleared my throat to bring their attention to myself. She opened her eyes and kicked him lightly on the hip, as she was high in his arms. He turned around, popping her down in the process. The startled look on both of their faces tickled me.
"Uh, g-good morning Phil." He began, still not making eye contact.
"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said. "I just came to give you this." I handed the bag to Phoebe. Just as I was going to leave them to it, Phoebe asked me if I wanted some coffee as she was making some. I accepted and sat on the coach she hadn't slept on, I just simply couldn't say no to her chirpy, happy voice. Dan shot a friendly face at me, almost saying thanks for not freaking. I gave him a smile back, but that feeling of jealousy still sat at the pit of my chest, stopping any happy feelings getting out.
Phoebe P.O.V
Getting coffee cups out of the abnormally high cupboard, I noticed Phil smiling at Dan, but there was something about it that wasn't right. I couldn't quite pinpoint it.
We all sat down around the coffee table, Dan and I on my slept on sofa, and Phil on the other. You could've cut the air with a knife the atmosphere was so tense. We spoke, but not like we did before. I could sense that Dan was trying labouriously to break the ice, but Phil just seemed uninterested, like he was wrapped up in his thoughts, and not in a good way.
I felt the best thing to do would be to go and have a shower, when they spoke, as they had known eachother for years.
"Um, I'm gonna go shower and get dressed. Talk about boy stuff!" I joked and nudged Dan. I think he got the picture.

Dan P.O.V
I leant forward, elbows on my knees, and looked Phil straight in the eye.
"Phil what's up mate?"
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." He said with a shrug.
"Don't bulls**t me Phil. You're not right, now tell me what's wrong."
He took a deep breath and turned to face me. His face was doubtful, but he opened up to me.
"I guess, I guess I just feel like a bit of a third wheeler. I don't know how you are when you're in relationships Dan, you could leave me behind completely. You've never been in a relationship when I've been around, I guess I'm just afraid of the unknown."
My eyes softened and I smiled.
"Oh come on Phil, you know me. I'm not like that! Plus Phoebe thinks you're great, she wouldn't let me leave you behind even if I tried!" I comforted. He smiled with relief and reassurance as we pulled into a 'guy hug'.

Phil P.O.V
I didn't lie completely, a part of me was worried about that. But come on, it's not as if I could've told him I was jealous of his relationship, his girl, him. I couldn't afford to lose this friendship, and I was going to make sure I didn't.

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