Leave Her Sleeping

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Phoebe P.O.V

A tall, black haired man stood before me, like a rabbit caught in the headlights. He seemed nervous at my sudden appearance, but welcoming none the less.
"Hi Phil! I've heard a lot about you!" I started, holding out a hand to shake his. He accommodated it and said the same about me.
"You're all Dan seems to talk about! Eventhough its been 4 days." He said looking at Dan with evil eyes. Blushing, Dan offered me a seat on their seemingly spotless grey sofa. Instantly noticing its perfect sofa features. I said;
"I'm absolutely soaking, I'll ruin your couch!"
To this, Dan once again silently led me to another room. He pushed me down onto what I guessed was his bed.
"Close your eyes..."

Dan P.O.V

She bit her lip as I whispered;
"Close your eyes..." I reached into my wardrobe, contemplating the fact I had an actual real life female in my bedroom. I took out a bright green dinosaur onesie. Looking it up and down I realised it would be way too big for her, but put it in her lap anyway.
"And open!"
By this time I had ran out of the room and left her to get into this onesie of mine. I would tell her its the only fitting thing I have, but actually I just wanted to see how cute she looked in it.
Minutes passed, and Phil had made us all hot cocoa and had left it steaming on the table. I heard the creaking floorboards and my door opening. Faintly, I could hear she was giggling to herself, trying to stifle the sounds. She stood in the doorway, hood up. I shot her one pondering look, and we both burst out laughing, as not only was it a dinosaur onesie she was wearing, but it could easily have fitted both of us in it. Nonetheless, she still managed to look beautiful.
Dry and warm, she curled up on the sofa, and not only was she next to me but she was strangely close...
"Ooh cocoa! Thanks Phil!" She beamed. He smiled back at her with sweet eyes. He didn't seem himself somehow.
"I think we should watch a film." I broke into their eye contact, selfishly uncomfortable with the attention she was giving him. I bent down to the coffee table and called out the selection of films we had, romance, horror (which I knew for a fact she hated because of our coffee conversations). Finally we decided on a romance, Love Actually. I think Phil noticed that I wanted to be alone with her. He left the room under the excuse of editing a video.
"I like him." She whispered. I didn't say anything.
Halfway through the film, we chatted slightly, easy as the conversation flows so well between us. She rested her head lightly on my chest, as in placed my arm around her, holding her close. So close that I believe I could feel her heartbeating. She became heavier and heavier on me as she trusted me and tested her boundaries. Luckily, I think she knew she could be herself around me. I know I felt the same.
By the end of the film, she was completely limp on my chest, breathing rhythmically. I turned the TV off as the credits rolled.
"You okay?" I whispered into her hair, pressing my like against her head. No answer. Just then Phil walked in, and was stopped in his tracks.
"She's asleep." He mimed to me, pointing down to her. Trying not to disturb her, I looked at her closed eyes. He was right.
"What should I do?" I whispered back to him. He shook his head in confusion. It was 1:00am, she couldn't walk back tonight.
I shifted from underneath her, trying so hards not to wake her. Her head fell down gracefully onto the pillow and she stretched a little. Phil grabbed a blanket off the other couch, and I lay it softly over her still body.
"Leave her sleeping." I said to Phil.
I waited for Phil to leave, and bent down beside her.
"Goodnight beautiful." I whispered softly in her ear. I kissed her forehead and left the room, still watching her as I went. A smile spread wide across my face as I realised what had just happened.
"Sweet dreams..."
And I closed the door.

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