chapter-2-daily customer

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Now,both siblings came home.they were welcomed by the maids.they didn't respond to it and walk like a royal siblings.

"Jungkook... finally you came...".the boy who is his secretary came forward to jungkook.he look at him with no expression.

"Where were you jimin..? Did you get him..?".he asked coldly.

"Yes,in the basement...".he replied.a smirk came into jungkook's lips.

"Also, y/ didn't eat anything...come an eat something...".jimin said to the girl who just rolls her eyes and went upstairs without even responding.he sighed at her rude attitude and look at jungkook who was staring at her with no expression.

"Jungkook... need to talk to her... it's been 4 years since you two talk... don't forgot that she is your young sister...".jimin said.

"I don't care...if she is hungry,she will eat... it's not my fault... okay, I'm going to the basement...".he said and leave from there.jimin sighed at this siblings.

Jimin POV

I don't know why are they like this.but,I never saw them talking nor smiling at eachother.they always keep a poker face. I'm so worried about them if they keep it again.

After Mr Jeon gave his throne to jungkook,he became more rude.his attitude was getting more worst.And his sister,when jungkook had no time to spend his time with her,she became cold.with missions and other works,both of them were busy.after Mr and Mrs jeon's dead, everything got even worser.both of them became cold and rude.sometimes,both of them get into serious fight over little things.sometimes,it get even worser.worser that both of them get bruises.

When will they stop this? When will I see them together again?

I sighed and went away

*Time skip*

Taehyung POV

I was serving the customers when I spotted a girl who entered and sat on a chair.she was wearing a mask and bucket hat.her outfit was black.

She is a daily customer here.she comes here daily and order chocolate muffins and banana milk.I think she is obsessed with it.she has a feather tattoo on her hand.I only noticed on her back neck,there was a tattoo of wings and a cresent moon behind her ear.she has peircing on her ears and other accessories.

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