chapter-28- trying to be together

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While coming back to her mansion,her thoughts was about,he knows everything and it is a good thing.but now,her thoughts diverted into the case.she was wondering what kind of relationship did her father and his parents has.

her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed the the car reached the mansion.
She came out from the car with jisoo and started to walk in.

"Ms jisoo... let's assign rosé to do today's mission... I have another works to do...".she said calmly while jisoo look at her in shock.

Ofcourse,the mafia girl who never give her own mission to others is now assigning someone is a surprise for jisoo as she knows y/n very well.this will be a shock to her.

"Oh...ok...".jisoo said and went out to call rosé.

Y/n was about to sit on the couch when she heard footsteps from upstairs.she look up and saw her brother coming downstairs with a file in his arms.soon,she remembered what taehyung told her at the café

"Please y/n... Try to forgive your brother... It's been a lot of guys can't go like this forever...".this is what he said.

Instead of sitting like a queen infront of her brother,she stand straight and look at him.jungkook noticed it but didn't act like he knows it.he came towards y/n who was looking at him without emotion.

Atleast she isn't showing off her attitude towards him...

"Y/n...I guess jimin and taehyung told you everything and our target is on mr Han's secretary,mr shin...I assigning you and Jennie to kidnap him...also,note my is a 'Kidnap' so... don't try to abuse him...".jungkook said calmly to his sister.he knows that y/n will try to abuse that guy.y/n scoffed at what he said.

"I guess the last time incident is still remain in your head... don't think too much... I'll take care of him...note my word... I'll take 'care' of him... Means,I don't gonna abuse him...there is no need of glare and he will say everything so swiftly...".she said and he nods his head.he hand over the file to her which she took it.

"Get ready for tomorrow...".he said and walked away.he was feeling a bit good as she didn't show her cold side towards him like always and it feels like new.but the next thing she said made him stop on his track

"Oppa...wanna team up for this assignment...?".he was surprised and feeling happy as she again started to address him 'oppa'.afterall,his sister called him 'oppa' after many years.

he was smiling then he realised what he was doing and changed his expression.he turned around and look at her.she was smiling a little.her small smile made him so happy.but he hides it.

"I'll...after you brought him to our farmhouse...".he said, maintaining his mafia posture but she knows how much he is trying to stop his bunny smile.

After a small eye contact which was speaking to eachother,he walked away and she sat down on the couch.she smiled as now, she is feeling better.all thanks to taehyung.

"Kim taehyung... You're such a magician... your magic made me like this...".she mumbled while giggling and started to check up on the file which jungkook gives her.

At the same time,jungkook was driving the car while smiling.he was so happy that his sister has changed a little bit.he really wants to tell everyone about this but he fears that what will they think about a emotionless mafia.he started to think about it.soon,he remembered joo-hee and taehyung.afterall,they give him hopes and support him,he decided to tell them.he immediately parked his car on the side of the road and started to call taehyung.but,his phone was on busy.

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