chapter-41- guiltiness

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Everyone were waiting infront of the ICU with a worried face.jimin was trying his best to calm jungkook down as he didn't stop crying.jungkook was keep shouting her name.the fear of loosing his sister was making it more hard.

"I CAN'T *sob* MY PRINCESS IS INSIDE..!!! *Sob* WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HER...!!!".jungkook yells while sobbing.joohee who was standing there,came to him and side hugged him while he cried on her chest so hardly.

Jimin side and look at taehyung who was looking like a's been 1hour that the boy didn't even show anything.just standing like a rock.jimin went to him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Taehyung? Are you ok?". taehyung look at jimin with puffed eyes.his eyes were red as the tears were still rolling down from his eyes.

"It's all my fault....she risks her life,just to save me... it's my fault,jimin...". taehyung spoke up while clenching his heart, feeling a sharp pain in his heart.

"Taehyung... don't blame yourself... you're not responsible for was her choice to save you...and you know that y/n was always straight forward...".jimin try to console him.

"No jimin... it's my fault...I should defence myself... I'm really feeling guilty for this... it's my fault... I'm the reason for everything that happened here...".he said while looking down with teary eyes and few drops fall down.

" wasn't your fault,tae... it's mine...It all started because of me...".they all look at joohee who spoke up.jungkook look up at her.

"If i never meet jungkook and y/n...Mr Han will never try to use me as a bait...j-just to capture you all... it's true...he kidnaps me to use me to catch jungkook and y/n...he was planning to kill jungkook and use y/n as his slave along with me...".joohee sighed and look at jungkook who was looking like a lost puppy.

"Jungkook... I'm sorry...if I never existed in your life,you would have f-fall in love with anyone else...I was a curse...".she sobbed as her tears fall on jungkook's face.

He held her cheeks and wiped her tears.she look at his teary eyes.he smile at her and caressed her head.

"No... choosing you as my queen was not a wrong are not a curse...".her eyes widen when he confessed it.

Taehyung look at them with teary eyes and was about to talk when the ICU door open, revealing doctor coming out.they all went to her with worried face

"Doctor, how's she..?".jisoo asked while wipping her tears.

"She is out of danger...but,will gain conscious after two days...not because of the injury but because of the stress she has before...she has stressed out from a long time...she needs to take rest well...for atleast one month...the wound is also deep so,it take a long time to heal...".she said and everyone sighed in relief.

"Can we meet her..?".jungkook asked while holding joohee's hand tightly.

"Sure,but don't disturb her...".the doctor said and left from there.

Jungkook entered Inside with joohee while others followed him, except taehyung.he was staring at them going inside with a sad face.he was still feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry y/n...but I don't have the courage to face you...". taehyung mumbled and left from there,more like running away from there

The rain started to pour in Seoul city.taehyung was running through the street when crying.everyone were looking at him weirdly as he was whole wet,but no one sees his tears as the rain was mixed with his tears.

He kept running and running until he reached infront of his parents' grave.he kneeled infront of his parents' grave while sobbing.

"Appa *sob* eomma...*sob* that mr Han will *sob* be punished by *sob* Jeon siblings...*sob* you'll get justice and *sob* peace...but *sob* because of me...*sob* that poor girl sacrifice her life to *sob* s-save me...".he cried hard and screamed loudly.

"It's my fault...*inhaled* IT'S MY FAULT THAT SHE SUFFERED THIS MUCH!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!".he shouted out of his lunch.the guiltiness covered him and makes him so hurt.

*I'm a burden... I'll never go infront of her ever... I'm gonna leave this place...".with that saying,he stood up and run towards his apartment.

*Few hours later*

Taehyung has packed his stuffs to leave the area.he gave the key of his apartment with a letter to his neighbour and left to the railway station.he decided to go to his village and start a new life there.he disconnected his phone and everything because he doesn't want anyone to know about this.

Soon,the train has comes and he entered inside.the train moves on.he look out through the window.his mind started to play those moments were he met y/n and the moments were they shared their problems,their funny interactions, their caring moment and more.he remembered his friend jimin who was the only one he trusted alot and jungkook,who was like a little brother to him.he wipped his tears and smiled.

Taehyung POV

Sorry guys...but I don't wanna be a burden to your life anymore...our world are different...sorry y/n...I really loved you so much but, I'm not the right one for you...I can't even protect you...I love you,y/n...I realised that I have feelings for you... I'm feeling like I just came out of examination room while blanking my answer sheet...

I wipped my tears which are not stopping and hurts alot.however,I left a letter for her writing my feelings and give it to the neighbour along with the key.i hope she will give her the letter.

I will move on and live a normal life alone.jungkook will take care of joohee too.i know he will.he loves her alot as I saw the passionate in his eyes.i guess jimin will try his best to not let the siblings fight with each other.jisoo shii will take care of y/n.

I smiled and sighed.

This will be our last day...

[A/n:- how does you feel about this chapter...tell me on the comments...😗]

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