chapter-19-warning and drunk

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Taehyung went to jimin who was talking with mr Wang's secretary as y/n told him to join with him.


"Mr Jeon...I need to tell you something, urgently...".jungkook look at his sister's secretary who was looking a bit panic.

"What is it,ms jisoo...?".he asked.

"Sir,Ms Jeon is going to start a have to stop her...".she said and he frowned in confusion.

Now,Y/n was taking joo-hee to Mr Han who was drinking wine with his business partner.jungkook noticed and soon,he went to stop her.he stood infront of them, blocking their way.y/n look at him as she doesn't like when someone meddle on her way.

"Y/n...stop...".he said coldly while y/n scoffed at him.

"Why am I stopping...? What do you want,oppa..?".she asked annoyingly.

"I know where are you taking her but,this is not the right time...".he said and she was slightly surprised as she was wondering how he knows about her plan.

2 mins before...

"Mr Jeon...y/n came to know,she knows that joo-hee was about to kidnapped by Mr Han...and she came to know that it was joo-hee's stepmom who was behind it...soon that lady were in her dungeon..."jisoo explained everything to him

Hearing this, jungkook understand that everything will be messed up by his sister and soon,he started to look around to find him.

"Yah! I know what is right and what is wrong...".she said and was about to move but he again blocked her way making her hiss in anger.

"Jeo-".she was cut off by him.

"Y/n...she doesn't know what is happening to her...we should keep it secret...".he said and y/n sighed heavily.she look at joo-hee who was confusedly looking at the.looking at her innocent eyes,y/n understand that she is unaware about it.

"Ok...fine...".she said and let joo-hee hand go.jungkook sighed in relief.Soon,jisoo came there.


"Ms Jeon...we have some visitors... let's go...".y/n hummed and walked away with jisoo while leaving me and joo-hee alone.

"Umm... ajushii... please explain what is going on here..?". joo-hee asked, expecting me to answer it.

No...not again...! She is calling me ajushii again..!!!no have to act cool...

"Nothing that you need to be knew...btw,where is taehyung?".I asked her.

"He is with jiminie oppa...".she replied.

Jiminie oppa!!! Actually that shorty is elder than me and she is calling him oppa!!! Jungkook calm yourself down...

I hummed in respond, holding my emotions.soon,I saw Mr Wang who came towards us.joo-hee bowed at him respectfully.

"Am I interrupting your moment with this young lady,Mr Jeon..?".mr Wang asked while smiling.

"Not at all...right now,she is alone and that's why she is with me...her brother is with my secretary and y/n also went to meet some visitors...I also have some works too...but I don't know whether let this girl go alone...".I said and sighed heavily.he hummed and look at Joo hee.

"Dear can come with me... I'll introduce you to my friend's daughter who has the same age as you... don't worry,she is really kind...I bet you two will be friends easily...c'mon..."Mr Wang said kindly and joo-hee nodded.she follows the oldman after sparing glance at me.

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