chapter-9- muffins and memories

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They were still looking at the car.jungkook noticed it.soon,his eyes fall on the familiar figure.he remember that incident and shocked.

"It's her..! What is she doing here..?".he mumbled.taehyung came and open the door of his side.he was startled by the sudden action.

"Come out jungkook... it's ok...".he nodded coming out from the car.

Joo-hee was so shocked to see him.she trembled.
Meanwhile,jungkook was looking at her blankly.taehyung dragged him and made him to stood infront of them.

"So guys...this friend...I was staying at his place...jungkook this is my friends... mark, ryan and my cousin, joo-hee...".he introduced them to him and them to him.

Mark was shocked to see the mafia king infront of him.

"Oh my...Jeon jungkook..! The mafia king...!".he almostly fainted but gladly taehyung got him.jungkook just stood there silently,eyes were fixed on Joo-hee who nervously stood behind taehyung.

"Yes, it's him...but it's ok he won't hurt you all...if you guys don't make him angry...". taehyung said and they nodded.

They welcomed him inside the café.he sat on the chair of the café.they also settled down on their seat.

"So,guys...jungkook is just mood,I want you all to make his day better...". taehyung request and they nodded while smiling.they look at him holding their nervous inside them.

"So,jungkook...nice to meet you...btw I'm mark...".he greeted him with his sunshine smile.he hummed.

"I'm ryan... nice to meet you jungkook...". Ryan said and smile showing his dimple.again,he hummed.

"I-I...ahm... I'm kim taehyung's cousin...nice to meet you...". joo-hee said bravely.he look at her and again hummed.

"Nice to meet you all...".he said coldly.

"Anyways, do you want anything jungkook...?".mark asked.the boy stays silent.

"Jungkook, don't hesitate...". taehyung said and Patted on his shoulder.jungkook jerked his hand away.

"I don't want anything...".he said coldly and taehyung nodded backing away.seeing this, joo-hee was criticised by his action.

"Mr have to be polite...".she spoke up and the boy look at her blankly.

"Did I ask you miss..?".she scoffed.

"Go to hell...".she muttered underneath her breathe but the boy heard it so clearly.

"I'm already from the hell...".he said while smirking.joo-hee rolls her eyes.

"C'mon ajuhmma... don't be rude..".he said sarcastically.the girl look at him with widen eyes.

"WOA!?".She yells, standing up from the chair.taehyung and others eyes on widen in shock.

"How dare you call me ajuhmma..!?".she glare at him.the boy scoffed.

"This is what I felt when you calls me ajushii... remember?". After he said that,the boys were confused.

"It was accident...but you calls me that in purpose...!".she pouted in anger.the boy chuckled.

"Did you forgot what I said to you...? Be careful to whom you're talking to...".he warned her.

"Yes I know whom to I talking to...a mafia king...but it don't give a fuck to me...".she said angrily.three of the boys gasped loudly.

"Joo-hee...what are you saying...? Calm yourself down...". taehyung tried to stop her.

Jungkook scoffed at her and look at her with his evil smirk which made her stop on her track.she started to tremble in fear seeing his intense look on gives her a devilish vibe and made her more scared.

He is our evil mafia,you know...

"J-joo-hee...?". taehyung was surprised when she became frozen.he look at jungkook who didn't even take off his eyes on her.

"Jungkook-ah... aaishh...stop it or she is going to die...".he requested and the boy hummed in respond looking away from her.

Soon,his eyes fall on the chocolate muffins which was on the menu board.he remember his sister who loves it alot.A memory came into his mind.


"Princess... don't eat too much... it's not good for your teeth...".jungkook warned his sister who is doing nothing but eating the is the 7th muffins plate.the maids were so done with her and they called him to stop her from eating too much muffins.

"I'm ok oppa... I'll eat finish every muffins in this world...".she said while chewing.her mouth was fully covered in chocolate.he sighed.

"C'mon... that's eat too much and I can't just watch it... c'mon...".he hold her wrist and dragged her to the washroom to clean her.the maids sighed in Relief.

After whipping the chocolate stains on her mouth,jungkook washed his hands and whipped on her face with his tiny palms.he was doing it so carefully and concentrated on it while she was pouting all the time.after he was done,he took her to her room.

"I want more mu-".she was cut off by him.

"Shut up...".he said coldly and she pouted in angry.

"Go away...I won't talk to you anymore...".she crossed her tiny arms.he sighed being done with his sister.

"C'mon y/nah...stop it...I said that for your own good...".he poked on her cheek but she look away.

"Don't talk to me!".she said angry.the boy turned her around.she didn't look at his face.

"Y/n... don't do this on me...if you ignore me then,I won't be able to sleep well... it's hurt when you don't talk to me... please look at me...".he said in a gloomy tone.she look at him,still angry.

"It's not my concern whether you sleep or not...".she said coldly.hearing this,he became sad.seeing him being sad,y/n felt guilty.

"So,you don't like your brother right? I'm a burden to you, isn't it..?".he said sadly.the girl became concern for him.

"N-no... it's not what I are the only one that I trust the most... you're my special person...I love you oppa... don't be sad...".her eyes almostly moisturized.he slightly smile and hugged her.

"you want muffins right? Then, I'll buy you all the muffins which exists in this world without wasting any one of them...".the girl look at him.a bright,cute smile formed on her lips.

"Yeah...!!".she jumped in excitement and he chuckled at her cuteness.

"Yes but one condition... don't eat more than two".she look at him for a second and nodded.

"Okey...! I won't eat more than two muffins...I promise...".she said while smiling widely.


Those memories made his eyes glistered.a light sob escaped from his mouth and they noticed it.they were surprised by it.

"Oh god...jungkook...what happened..?". taehyung asked in concern.

"I want my sister back...".after saying that,a tear flows down on his cheek.

[A/n:- late upload but fine...😅]


Wait for chapter-10

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