chapter-5-siblings are seperating

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It was morning, taehyung woke up and yawned.he look around and remember what happened yesterday.he rubbed his eyes and found that he is inside his new room which is bigger than his apartment room.he went inside the bathroom and do his morning routine.

After he was done with it,he came out from his room.he saw jimin coming.he waved his hand at him and jimin also did the same.

"Good morning dude..".he greeted jimin.

"Good morning tae..".he greeted back.

"Are you going downstairs..?"jimin ask and he nodded.

"Are you also going downstairs too?".he asked.

"Nah bro... before that,I have to do something... wanna see...?". taehyung nodded his head being curious.jimin chuckled at his cuteness and both started to,they are standing infront of y/n's room.taehyung look at it while blinking innocently.

"Taehyungaah...this is y/n's room...since, ajuhmaa is not here, I'm the one who needs to wake her know,she is really lazy...".jimin said.taehyung made an 'oh' face.

jimin open the door and both entered inside.he turned on the lights and saw y/n who is still sleeping peacefully.she was so cute.taehyung slightly chuckled at her cuteness.

"I never imagined that a mafia girl is literally cute and silent while sleeping...".he mumbled.

"Yes but, remember that this same mafia girl is literally opposite when she wakes up...".jimin said to scare the poor boy.he started to shook y/n.she growled deeply.

"Y/naah...wake up... it's already late...".he said gently.

"Get lost... I'm really exhausted...that mission was almostly break my backbone...".she said in a sleepy tone and covered herself with the cozy blanket.

"Aaishh... wake up y/naah...or I'll tell ajuhmaa that you are not wake up...".he said.she say and yawned while stretching her hands.her hair was messy.

Taehyung look at the girl who is literally cute.she opens her eyes and saw taehyung standing infront of her.

"Wait...what are you doing in my room...?"she asked pointing at him.suddenly,she gasped.

"Wait...did you mimicry jimin's voice or did you eat him and get his voice...?".she asked.her eyes were widen.jimin look at her being done.

"Excuse me ms mafia... I'm here...".he snapped his finger and she look at him.she sighed in relief.

"Oh.. I'm glad that you are not eaten by this guy...".she said.jimin gave a 'wtf' look.

"Yah! Come to reality...this is not your cruel dreamland that people eat another people to take their voice... go and fresh up...".he scolded her like a parent scolding a kid.she pouted and went away.taehyung was amazed.after that,both came out from her room.

"Mission complete....".jimin exhaled.

"Wow bro...she just obey did you do that..?". taehyung asked being amazed by Jimin.

" know,only me and ajuhmaa can control these two...they only obey us... because,their only family is us...after mr and mrs Jeon's dead, ajuhmaa took care of them... and I was their childhood friend...they shares so many things with us which these two never shared know,y/n has a soft spot in her heart that only the one who she loves knows...but jungkook's soft spot is only for her...when the interactions and connection with them were triggered,those soft spot disappeared...and Both of them because heartless...".jimin sadly sighed and look at taehyung.

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