chapter-31- first time on flight ✈️

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Y/n was actually staying at blackpink house for something related to her work.that was the time when jimin called her and told her about,she is leaving from there with jisoo but she was stopped on her track when she saw joohee who was outside the house, looking up in the sky.

"What is she doing there?".she mumbled.

"It is seems to be normal for her to spend sometime,looking up at the night sky...".jisoo said

Y/n hummed and walked out, towards her.joohee was lost in it that she didn't noticed them behind her.

"Don't you think that it's pretty late for you to sleep...?". Joohee turned around and look at y/n who approached towards her.

"Umm... I'm not sleepy... I'm just worried...".she said.y/n scoffed.

"Why are you being worried...? Is it about taehyung..? Look...he is perfectly know,jimin called me saying that he found out our old maid head's address and now we are leaving to Japan...also,we are taking taehyung with us too...". hearing this,joohee was shocked.

"What!! Why are you taking taehyung with you guys...?! I thought that you guys were not together anymore...".joohee said.y/n look at her and chuckled.

"Actually... I was also wondering about it too... however, I'm leaving and we will back after few days...".y/n said and was about to go.

"Umm...can I also come with you..?".y/n look at her and she was looking down hesitantly.


Should I take her with me..? Last time,I see my brother giving glances to her... I have some doubts on him... However, should I find it out by taking her with us..?

I sighed and look at jisoo who smile and came forward.

"Ms y/n... looks like you can take joohee instead of me.... So,I can look after the other works of yours with namjoon...".she said and I look at joohee who was looking at us with hope in her eyes.

Guess like,I should take her with me now...

"Pack your things... don't take too much have ten minutes...".I said and she smiled widely.soon,she run away inside while jisoo chuckled at her.

"So,I think,you got another assistant...".jisoo said and I nod my head.

"Give her some instructions... let's see whether she is useful or not...". I said and walked away.

Looks like it is a better way to check whether my brother has feelings for her or not... let's see what is btw this lovebirds...

*Time skip*

Now, taehyung,jimin and jungkook has reached the airport and they are standing infront of the private jet, waiting for y/n.

"Aaishhh why is she taking so long..?".jimin growled.

"Chill bro...she must have her own reasons...". taehyung said while patting on his shoulder.

Jungkook look at taehyung as he is getting some clues that he understands y/n without even Knowing the complete reason.jungkook was feeling like taehyung is really a husband material.soon,they spotted y/n and another girl coming towards was still night so they didn't see her face clearly.

"Look...they are here...". taehyung said and they look at them.

Soon,the both girls come infront of the light and the boys were shocked to joohee.

"Wait..! Joohee?! What is she doing here..?". taehyung uttered while looking at her in pure surprise.

They stood infront of them and joohee bowed at jimin and jungkook.she look at taehyung who was waiting for an explanation.seeing this,y/n sighed and spoke up.

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