chapter-21-barging in

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Taehyung wasn't able to sleep well as he was watching his parents dead in his dream and soon,he jumped up on the bed.he sweated alot and felt lonely inside the big room.he was still drunk.

Soon,he got off from his bed and walked outside the room like a the same time,y/n was reading a book while laying on the bed.soon,it was interrupted by the knocking sound on her door.she look at the direction confusedly .

"Who is it this time..?".she mumbled and went to the door.she twisted the knob and open the door.he eyes widen to see taehyung who was looking at her blankly.

"What happened taehyung!? What are you doing here...?!"she asked being confused.he didn't say anything and pushed the door, entering inside the room.she was shocked by his sudden action.

"What the-".she was cut off as she saw him crawling over her bed and layed down.

"Are you serious..?? Get out of my bed..!!".she yells while approaching towards her bed.he look at her.

"Taehyung...!! This isn't funny...get off from my bed..!! You have a seperate room..!!".she said angrily while pulling his hand but he pulled her back making her fall on top of him.

"What the hell..!".she gets off from his body and sat on the bed.her heart beat was raising up.

"Y/n...give me some time... I want to sleep with you...".he said and she look at him shockingly.

"What!? Why?!".she asked.he pulled her and snakes his arm around her waist hugging her.

"Please don't push me away...".he said while hiding his face on her chest.she was really shocked and blushing.unknowingly,she started to caress his head

Soon,she felt wet as she heard some light sobs too.she realised that he is crying.

"What happened Kim boy? Why are crying..?".she asked softly.he looks up at her with his teary eyes.

"I remembered my eomma...".he said while sobbing and she was speechless.soon,she smile softyand kissed on his forehead,making him flustered.

"It's ok...I'm here... I'll take care of you,my baby...".she said and continue to caress his head.he was feeling so comfortable under her embrace.

he pecked on her lips which makes her look at him in shock.soon,he pecked again,then he pressed his lips on her's making it a long kiss.her eyes were widen by his sudden action.soon,he broke it and hugged her ,while snuggling his face into her breast.


What just happened..!! Did he kissed me...!oh my y/n...why didn't you stopped him..?!

Suddenly,I heard a blasting sound and it makes me and taehyung sat up.soon,I heard some gun shooting sounds from outside.

Something wrong here...I think someone barged into the mansion...I gotta go...

I pushed him on the other side and got off from the bed.I immediately took the gun from my locker and take a coat from the cupboard.

"Where are you going...?".he asked as he is still not aware about anything.I look at him and said.

"There is nothing to be worried about...stay in this room... don't come out until I comes...".I said and he became gloomy.

"Are you leaving me, mommy...?".he said and look at me like a lost puppy.I sighed and cupped his cheeks, kissing on his forehead.

"Don't worry...mommy won't leave you baby...".I said which came into my mind.

I never talk these cringey things...but he is still drunk...when he gain his concious, I'm going to tease him for sure....

I internally chuckled at my thoughts and left from there after sparing a glance at him.

Now,war time baby...


Hearing the same sound,jungkook woke up and went to take his gun.y/n came out from her room and marched towards downstairs.soon,she saw some guards coming inside with the culprits who barged inside the mansion.

The guards saw her and bowed at her while the three mens started to tremble as they saw the devil's sister coming downstairs spreading her dark aura of cruelty

"What is going on here...?".she asked and the a guard approach towards her.he bowed at her.

"Ms Jeon...there three mens barged into our mansion and started to attack us...some of our members were injured and they were immediately taken to the hospital...what should we do with them...?".he explain and she look at the three mens.

Soon,they heard footsteps from upstairs.the guards stayed in positions while the three mens started to tremble.y/n didn't turned around to look at the devil, instead,she just stand there while looking at the three mens with her lustful eyes.the guards bowed at the mafia king,who came there, spreading his dark aura of death around the hall, making those mens tremble.

In front of their eyes,it was like a worst nightmare.they were watching their own death in those siblings eyes.

"What do we have here...?".the devil speaks up.The guard explained him and e look at them coldly while smirking

"What a surprise...! I can't believe that you guys made up your mind to barg inside the devil's fort...may I know the reason...?".he asked sarcastically.three of them were silent as they don't know what to tell them

"If you don't speak up, I'll make you scream up...think wisely...".y/n said sternly while smirking at them.

"O-oh ok...we will tell you the reason...!".the first men said.

"I knew that will work...".y/n mumbled while smirking and chuckle.

"Mr Jeon...we were assigned to do it...b-because...".the men paused while trembling.

"Because..?". jungkook pronouns it.the mens were hesitating.


"Because,we want to give you all a surprise,Jeon siblings...".they both look at the door where their eyes widely open to see the man who was none other than...

"HYUNGS!!!".the siblings yells at the hyung lines who came there with a smile.

"Sorry for the trouble kids...".namjoon said while smiling at them.y/n smashed her forehead, being done with them.

"Who are these three mens..?".y/n asked coldly.

"Oh sorry...they are our secretaries that we assigned 3 months ago...our old secretaries retired and we hired them...".hobi answered and look at the secretaries.

"Come on,boys...they won't hurt you three...".hobi said and they stood up,bowing at the siblings as an apology.they just hummed and signalled the guards to go outside.

"Ok,when did you guys arrived...?".jungkook asked.

"We've arrived 2 hours before...we thought to come here to see out little brother and sister doing... anyways...we are staying here..."namjoon said and they all nodded.

"Woah...great...the prank has worked out now let's go and sleep..".Suga said and walked upstairs.following him,others also went.

After everything was over,y/n came to her room and swa taehyung sleeping peacefully on her bed.she sighed and stares at his sleeping figure.she was mesmerized by his beauty.soon,she remembered the kiss.she gently touched her lips and smile while recalling the scene.

Y/n POV.

Kim taehyung...what have you done to me...?

I smile at him and walked towards the couch and layed on it.I don't wanna interrupt his sleep nor wanna make him awkward in the morning by seeing me beside him.soon,I closed my eyes and drifted into my dreamland.

[A/n:- I'm sorry for my laziness guys... actually,I was really while doing house chores (cleaning the house, washing dishes, folding the clothes,etc) however,I hope you all enjoyed.


Wait for chapter-22

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