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Aurora's heart feels like it's about to explode out of her chest. She blinks at him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Granit asked. "Because you're on one knee in front of my apartment asking me to marry you with a ring you just made out of a paperclip." Aurora said.

"And this is not how I expected my proposal to go." She said. "Ah, shit. Should I take a horse drawn carriage? Maybe a sky writer?" Granit asked. "I'd at least like a ring that you didn't just make out of a paperclip." Aurora said.

"Hey, my paperclip ring is very crafty. Admit it. You're a little impressed." Granit said. "It's hard to be impressed by you when you're kneeling on my welcome mat." Aurora said. "Most times when I'm kneeling in front of a beautiful woman... this isn't what I'm doing." Granit said.

"Okay, enough. We're in public." Aurora said. "Oh, but that's what makes it fun." Granit said. Aurora runs her hand through her hair, pacing on her front step. Am I really about to marry Granit Xhaka? She feels a gentle hand on her hip, slowly turning around.

"Open your eyes, love." His thick accent drawls in her ear, a low, deep purr. Her eyes flutter open. "Look at me. It's just me." He said. Aurora stares deep into his eyes. They're warm and soulful and too easy to get lost in. "You know why we're doing this. To save your bakery. To save my gym. To save our homes..." Granit said.

"And to put an end to your piece of shit uncle and his scheming co-operate bullshit." He said. "Right. Right. Okay." Aurora said. She swallows hard, nodding. A soft grin comes to Granit's lips. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Aurora asked. "Because you're cute when you're nervous." Granit said.

"Um... Duh. I'm always cute." Aurora said. "Truer words have never been spoken." Granit said. "And don't you ever forget it." Aurora said. Granit takes her hand in his. Despite the tattoos and the scarred knuckles, his rough hands look strangely beautiful. Slowly, he slides the paperclip ring onto her finger.

"I know this isn't how you pictured this. You deserve better than a marriage of convenience. You deserve better than me." He offers a harsh, self-deprecating laugh, so raw and honest it takes her breath away. "But this is what I've got. I can't let your uncle fuck up your life. I can't let him fuck up mine." He said.

"It's not a perfect solution. I know that. But it's what we've got. So will you marry me?" He said. Aurora takes a deep, shuddering breath, staring at the glinting paperclip ring on her finger. "Yes, Granit, let's take down my uncle." She said. "With marriage." Granit said. "With marriage... oh, God, this is so crazy." Aurora said.

Granit starts to laugh. "Your uncle wanted to have an engagement party, right? I think we should go through with it." He said. "Really? Why?" Aurora asked. "Because it gives us a perfect opportunity to show him we're the real deal." Granit said. "But we're not the real deal." Aurora said.

"Right. And your uncle can't know that. He's looking for any opportunity to shut this relationship down." Granit said. "Let's make that impossible for him. Let's put on a performance so good it leaves him with no choice but to leave us alone." He said. "Then, once we've fooled him, we can return to our regularly scheduled lives." Aurora looked at him.

"You make it sound so easy." She said. "I'm confident in our acting skills." Granit said. "Oh... same. I'm basically an actress." Aurora said. Granit smirked at her sarcasm. "Good. We're going to need your acting skills." He gives her a final farewell kiss on the hand, flashing her a cheeky wink. "Goodbye, wifey." He said. What the hell did I just do?


After a restless sleep and a long day at work, Aurora finds herself confronting the contents of her wardrobe. The plan is set in stone. Tonight, her and Granit will meet her uncle Richard and cousin Nathan for an engagement dinner.

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