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It's honeymoon time. Once the wedding reception dies down, Aurora and Granit arrive at the hotel that their lawyer Talia booked for them. Aurora and Granit both eye the giant king bed. A rough swallow moves down Granit's throat. Suddenly, he drops her suitcase and turns to her with a gasp. "Fuck. I can't believe I forgot to-" He said. "Forgot what?" Aurora asked. "This." Suddenly, Granit throws the hotel door open. Then, without warning, he scoops her off the floor.

"Granit! I get it. You can pick me up." Aurora said. "And you love it." Granit said. "I said no such thing." Aurora said. Holding her bridal style in his arms, Granit returns to the hallway, just to step over the threshold. Gently, he lays her on the bed. He wiggles his eyebrows at her suggestively, earning him a playful swat. "There. Tradition honored." He said.

"Is this an English thing I don't know about?" Aurora asked. "Come on, Ro! Where have you been the last thousand years?" Granit said. "On your wedding night, it's tradition for the groom to carry his bride over the threshold. Before, he... you know." He said. "Before he... consummates the marriage?" Aurora asked. "It's not real until we've boned." Granit said. "Boned? How romantic." Aurora said.

"Don't worry, love. I'll light some candlelights for you. Sprinkle some rose petals." Granit said. "I know how to treat my wife right." Before either of them can say more, Granit's phone buzzes with a text. Aurora hooks her chin over his shoulder to read. It's from Talia.

Talia: Don't forget to post tonight. Nothing says "happy newlyweds" like a post-coital wedding night shot.

Granit: Chill, T. We're on it.

"Are we? Are we on it?" Aurora asked. "Aw. You nervous, love?" Granit's thick accent drops low and teasing, a rough timber that warms her whole body. "We don't actually have to fuck, remember? We just have to look like we did." He said. "Right. So I'll make myself look all flushed." Aurora said. "Pinch my cheeks a bit." Granit leans forward, fingers outstretched towards her cheeks. Aurora slaps his hand away. "I can do that myself, thank you." She said.

Aurora stands in front of the mirror and starts to mess her hair a little and pinch her cheeks until they're flushed. Granit appears behind her in the mirror, locking eyes with her. A slow, filthy grin spreads across his face. "What?" Aurora asked. "It would be easier if we just fucked for real, you know." Granit said. In spite of herself, desire pulses throughout her body. Granit's grin widens. "Too bad I don't have sex before matches." He said.

"Uh... wait. You have a match coming up?" Aurora asked. "Sure do. Which means I'm on a celibacy pact." Granit said. "Is that hard for you?" Aurora asked. "Oh, it's extremely hard. If you know what I mean." Granit makes a big production of looking between his own legs. Aurora gives him a playful eye roll. "When's the match?" She asked. "In a few days. It will be my first match in almost three years." Granit said.

"Seriously? Granit, that's a big deal!" Aurora said. Granit shrugs, scratching the back of his neck, his habit when he's feeling a bit overwhelmed and vulnerable and wants to hide it. "It's fine. I'm not worried about it." He said. That's a lie, and Aurora knows it. His nerves are all over him, and she knows him well enough by now to tell. "And you never fuck before matches?" She asked. "No. That's my rule. Always has been. Otherwise, I lose focus." Granit said.

"Interesting... what about after matches?" Aurora asked. "Oh. Then I can fuck as much as I want. And I do." Granit said. Lust flares in his eyes, making Aurora's stomach somersault. "Alright. Time to show off our acting skills, Ro. Can you handle it?" Granit said. "Of course I can." Aurora said. "Good. First things first, we need to strip." Granit said. "Uh... right. Of course." Aurora said. "You nervous?" Granit asked. "No. Of course not." Aurora said. "Don't worry, love. I'll go first." Granit said.

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