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Aurora's stomach somersaults. Adrenaline floods through her bloodstream. Living together? With Granit? "Is that going to be okay, Ro?" Granit asked. "Living with you? That depends. What kind of roommate are you?" Aurora asked. "Oh, I'm top-tier. I'm extremely clean. I'm almost down for a late night 7-11 run. And I'll watch all your weird reality shows with you." Granit said. "Even The Real Housewives?" Aurora asked. "Only if it's Beverly Hills." Granit said. "Deal." Aurora said.

"Look, it's just for a couple months. Until we can assure the bakery and the gym is safe." Granit said. "Then back to our regularly scheduled lives. I promise. Don't overthink it. And besides." Granit takes a step closer to her. His intoxicating cologne fills her senses, tingling on her skin. "It might be kind of fun." He said. "Whose place?" Aurora asked. "Well, mine's bigger. We can find a subletter for you so you're not wasting rent money." Granit said.

Aurora runs her fingers through her hair, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the situation. Granit's hand soothes down her back. "Hey. I know it's asking a lot." He said. "You're right, though. It won't look convincing if I don't move into your place." Aurora said. "I promise I'm a fun roommate." Granit said. "Fun? Just promise you don't snore." Aurora said. "I've been told I sleep like a baby." Granit said.

The party begins to die down. Once Aurora says goodbye to Kristen and her friends, Granit leads her outside. "Let me call an uber." He said. Suddenly, a blur of movement catches Aurora's eye. There's a shady-looking man, watching her from a street corner. A surprise flash from a camera blinds her. Granit throws his hand over his eyes, turning his head around the culprit. The man sprints away down the street.

"Hey! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Granit immediately runs after him. Panic thuds through Aurora's body as she runs after them. They disappear down a nearby alleyway. "Don't come near me!" The guy shouted. "Too fucking late for that, you idiot. Tell me who you are and why the fuck you were following me and my fiancee." Granit said. "Fiancee? Please I know the truth." The guy said. Dread slides icily down Aurora's spine, paralyzing her. Her and Granit exchange a panicked glance in the darkness.

A cold realisation clicks into place in her mind. She takes a step forward. "Did my uncle send you to watch us?" She asked. "I have no idea what you're talking about." The guy said. Granit's hand lurches out to take the stranger by his shirt collar. He slams him into the wall. Oh, fuck. This could get crazy... and violent. Aurora scans around quickly to make sure her, Granit, and the stranger are alone.

Phew. All clear. Granit turns to face her. A muscle ticks in his jaw. "We can't let him go, Ro. We need to find out what he's after and who sent him." He said. "Fuck you!" The stranger spits right in Granit's face. Aurora's jaw drops open in outrage. A low, dangerous laugh builds in Granit's throat. "Aw, mate, I really wish you hadn't done that." Granit pins the man to the brick wall with one easy grip. He rolls up his sleeve, revealing twisting muscles and his tattoos.

"I'm not going to tell you shit!" The guy shouted. That's it. I've had enough. Aurora walks over to Granit's side. In her pocket, she secretly turns on her phone's camera so she can record. "Stay back, Ro. Let me handle him." Granit said. "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." Aurora said. As subtly as she can without the stranger catching up, she shows Granit that she's recording the altercation. The stranger struggles in Granit's grip.

"Tell us who you work for or I'll go straight to the police and tell them you're stalking me." She said. "That will be impossible to prove!" The guy said. From her pocket, she receives her phone to show that she's been recording. All the colour drains from the stranger's face. "Fuck." He muttered. "That's right. Now try again. Why were you following us and who do you work for?" Aurora said.

The stranger gnashes his teeth. Granit throttles him against the wall, adjusting his grip. "Answer her. Now." He said. "Fine! Richard Maxwell sent me to take photos of you. He's plotting a lawsuit against you to prove your relationship isn't real." The guy said. "A lawsuit? I swear I'm going to knock your uncle's teeth out one of these days, Ro." Granit said. "Not if I knock them out first." Aurora said. Granit releases the stranger, who gasps for breath, massaging his neck.

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