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The imposters? Oh, God. Does Nathan know something? "The imposters? What are you trying to say?" Aurora asked. "That your marriage doesn't fool me, cousin. Which means your bakery is still a fair game." Nathan said. "My appraisers are taking some measurements for the mall." Nathan gives Aurora and Granit a wide, smug smile. Granit exchanges a quick, confused look with her.

"The mall?" Aurora asked. "Yes. The mall that's going to make me and my father very, very rich. The mall that's going to take over your precious bakery and gym." Nathan said. "But, you can't! I'm married! That's the rule according to the will! The bakery is mine." Aurora said. Panic rushes through her bloodstream. Granit puts a protective hand on her shoulder. "You may be married but my father and I can still prove that your marriage is a lie." Nathan said.

"A lie? You can't prove that!" Granit said. His accent always turns rougher and stronger when he's pissed off. "Oh, I think you'll find that I can, actually." Nathan said. Granit takes an intimidating step forward. Nathan's smug smile just gets bigger. By now, a small crowd is beginning to form. Nathan's talking loudly enough that he's drawing attention.

"I don't care how big and bad you are on the pitch, Granit. Out here? I own you." He said. Aurora can practically see Granit's blood pressure beginning to spike. Nathan knows exactly what buttons to push. "Oh my God, look! It's Granit Xhaka, the footballer! Holy shit!" Aurora's head whips around to see a teenager with a skateboard leaning against his leg. He takes out his phone.

I bet he's uploading that straight to social media. We can't have that! "Hey, kid. Put that away." Aurora said. "Hell no! You can't tell me what to do! My followers need me!" The kid gives Aurora a giant shit-eating grin and holds his phone high over his head, facing the selfie camera. "What's up followers? It's your boy, milfhunter69, and you'll never guess what I'm seeing right now. You know Granit Xhaka, the footballer? He's about to beat up some random guy on the street! Watch this!"

Oh, no. No, no, no, no! This can't be happening right now! He just qualified to get back into the club. If bad press circulates of him beating someone up, he could lose everything! Nathan and Granit are nose-to-nose. Granit's cracking his knuckles, and Nathan is cackling. "I'm going to take everything you love, Granit. And I'm going to laugh while I do it." Nathan said. Granit takes Nathan by his shirt collar and yanks him forward.

"Not if I do this first-" "Aw, hell yeah! Watch this, followers! I'm getting this all live!" Okay... what's something loud and dramatic that will make everyone look away? I've got it. "AAAH!" Aurora lets out a loud scream, clutching at her stomach and backing away right into the obnoxious teenager, who drops his phone. Aurora stifles a pleased grin as it skitters across the ground. "Oh no! My phone! My followers!" Aurora falls dramatically to the ground. Granit rushes over to her side.

"Aurora, what the hell just happened? Are you alright?" He asked. The crowd of onlookers forms around them. Granit gently eases her to her feet, looking concerned. Aurora gives him a subtle wink. Understanding flashes across his face. "Step aside, everyone. I've got to take her to the hospital." Granit ushers Aurora down the street back to his apartment. As soon as they're inside, he doubles over laughing.

"Damn, Ro. Were you an actress? That was a hell of a performance." He said. "I had to get you away from there before that kid caught you threatening Nathan." Aurora said. "That little idiot had it coming but you did the right thing. I can't handle the bad press. My situation's too fragile. You saved me back there, Ro." Granit said. The smile that crosses Granit's face is so soft and tender it makes Aurora's chest twist.

"Well, I'm basically a superhero." Aurora said. "Ro, saving the day by dramatically falling to the ground." Granit said. "My methods are weird, but effective." Aurora said. Exhausted by the day's events, Aurora and Granit sink into the couch. Her phone buzzes with a text. It's Kristen.

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