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Aurora and Granit are stuck at the top of a lurching ferris wheel, and Granit is terrified out of his mind. He's scared of heights, and he thinks he's about to die. "There's something I need to confess." He said. Aurora's heart pounds as Granit stares deep into her eyes, his gaze raw and vulnerable. What is he about to say? Just as Granit's lip part, the ferris wheel jerks back into motion, sending them back to the ground.

Granit sighs with relief. "Oh, finally we're safe." He said. "Granit, I feel terrible for making you ride this with me." Aurora said. "Don't feel bad. I was trying to downplay my heights phobia..." Granit said. "That was you trying to downplay it?" Aurora asked. "I did a pretty terrible job, didn't I?" Granit said.

Once they're back on land, Aurora and Granit head back towards the exit. "Well, Ro. You won fair and square." Granit said. "But before you show me what I have to do, can I show you what I wrote?" He said. "It's never going to happen, but sure, babe. I'll take a look." Aurora said. Granit unfolds his note with a sly grin and hands it over. Whatever you wrote. Aurora's stomach dips fiercely with arousal. Granit's eyebrow arches wickedly.

"Well?" He asked. "Um... okay, that's hot." Aurora said. "The idea of me doing whatever you ask is "hot"?" Granit asked. "Extremely." Aurora said. "I couldn't agree more. That's why I wrote it." Granit said. His eyes go fond as he gazes at Aurora. Her heart skips a beat in her chest. "So tell me, Ro. What will you have me do?" Granit asked. Biting her lip coyly, Aurora retrieve the folded paper from her pocket and hands it over.

Granit reads the words aloud with a devilish grin. "Naked breakfast in bed." "You know, Ro... if you wanted to bring me breakfast in bed naked, all you had to do is ask." He said. "I don't think so. You are the one who will be bringing me breakfast in bed." Aurora said. "But you'll still be naked, right?" Granit asked. Aurora gives Granit a playful smack on the arm, earning a big laugh. Wickedness flares in Granit's eyes, sending a pulse of desire in Aurora's body.

"Come on, Ro. I think we've had enough carnival time. Now I'm ready to have you all to myself." Granit said.


The minute they arrive back at Granit's place, he lifts Aurora off the ground like a caveman and slings her over his shoulder. "Granit!" Aurora lifts her hand and brings it down to his firm, perfectly sculpted ass. "Ow!" Granit said. "Please. You loved it." Aurora said.

A few moments later.

"What the fuck are you doing to me, Ro? It's like you've got some kind of spell over me." Granit said. "Granit, did I forget to mention I'm a witch?" Aurora said. "I think we've skipped over that little detail." Granit said. "Oops. Well, now you know." Aurora said. Granit's gaze suddenly turns thoughtful as he studies Aurora. "What is it?" Aurora asked. "I was just thinking about the fact that I almost never actually fuck in my own bed." Granit said.

"Really?" Aurora asked. "No. Normally I just go to a hotel. Or to their place." Granit said. "Why?" Aurora asked. Granit shrugs. His tell-tale sign for when he's trying to push his emotions away. "I guess after my injury I just- I don't know. I got used to keeping people at a distance." He said. "Bringing women here felt... intimate. Too intimate. I guess I just didn't want anyone to get too close." I get it. Granit kept people away so he wouldn't get hurt.

Granit gently moves the hair from Aurora's face. Her heart twists. She can see the clouds disappearing from his eyes. He's opening up. He's letting her in. Even though he knows she could hurt him. "I don't want to be like that anymore." Granit said. His confession is soft, barely louder than a whisper. When Granit's eyes meet hers, she feels a kick of butterflies. "Granit, you don't have to close yourself out. Not from me." Aurora said.

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