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Across the table, Nathan and Richard exchange giddy, smug smiles. "Oh? That's so interesting. Care to explain, Aurora?" Richard said. Aurora practically sees the blood drain from Granit's face. His eyes dart to hers, wide with panic. He leans over to her, his lips to her ear, clutching her wrist urgently. "Fuck. What do we do?" He asked. "Shit. Don't worry. I'll handle this." Aurora said.

"How?" Granit asked. Before Aurora can say anything, Kristen runs over and takes her husband's hand, catching her eye apologetically. "I'm so sorry. Brandon had a little too much fun at happy hour. I hope we're not ruining your dinner." She said. "Um... kind of? We're sort of in the middle of something." Aurora said.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry. I didn't realise." Kristen said. "It's fine... we can, uh, catch up later..." Aurora said. "Hey! Can someone explain to me who the hell this guy really is?" Brandon said. His loud, slurring voice makes Aurora and Kristen spring away. Aurora turns to see Brandon poking Granit hard in the chest. Granit's hands clench into fists. His eyes narrow into cool slits. Aw, fuck. The last thing I need right now is Granit starting a brawl with this guy.

"I know he's not your fiance, Aurora. You've been single for years!" Brandon said. "Oh? Is that right?" Richard asked. "Our lawyers will have fun with this one, dad. If we can prove they're lying, that whole block is ours. Super Mall, here we come." Nathan said. A knot works anxiously in Granit's throat. He turns back to Brandon, trying to keep his voice steady and casual. "Look, man. I don't know you, but I am Aurora's fiance." He said.

"Now why don't you sit down with your wife and leave us alone, huh?" He said. "Aurora is my wife's best friend! I think I'd know if she was engaged!" Brandon said. "Yes. You would, wouldn't you?" Richard said. "Well, you see, it happened really fast. Right, Ro? Tell him the, uh... the story... it's a funny story, really-" Granit's panicked eyes find hers, silently begging her to help him come up with something.

"Okay. So here's the thing, Granit and I have actually known each other for years. We met during my year abroad in college. I was living in London, studying patisserie at a culinary school." Aurora said. "And Granit was a sexy guy who lived in my apartment building." She said. "And you were the sexy baker who had my head spinning every time we ran into each other in the hall." Granit said. "That's right." Aurora said. She gives Granit a wink as he catches onto the story they're creating.

This is actually pretty fun! What happens next? How did we finally get together? "I kept running into him in the hallway. We'd make small talk, but it was nothing that serious. Still, I kept finding myself hanging out in our hall, hoping I'd run into him." Aurora said. "Finally, I worked up the courage to ask him out for tea." She said. "She was so cute. And she clearly didn't really drink tea." Granit said. "What can I say? I'm a coffee girl, through and through." Aurora said.

Granit rests his cheek on his knuckles, watching her with admiration as she continues to tell the story. I know those heart-eyes are probably part of the performance... but it almost looks genuine. Across the table, Nathan and Richard are openly seething, furious that they've managed to recover so easily. Meanwhile, Brandon, eats up every word of their fake love story with delight. "That's so... romantic." He said.

Brandon lets out a loud, dramatic sniffle. Kristen laughs at her husband, curling her arms around her shoulders. "Alright, big guy. I think that's enough for one night." She said. Once Brandon finds his table, Kristen draws Aurora aside to whisper in her ear. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea we'd run into you tonight. We've both been so busy I haven't had the chance to update Brandon on all the drama." She said.

"He is definitely sleeping on the couch tonight." She said. "It's not your fault. I'm just starting to realise how crazy this plan is." Aurora said. "Oh, it's bullshit. And I fully support it." Kristen said. "If we can actually pull this off, it will be a miracle." Aurora said. Kristen leans in closer, whispering softly so no one else can hear her. "So you're actually getting married to Granit, right? Like, real marriage?" She asked.

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