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Aurora and Granit practically race back to his apartment, eager to get their hands on each other. The minute the door shuts behind Aurora, Granit presses her against it, his lips feverish against hers. Hooking her arms around his neck, Aurora leaps into Granit's arms. He grabs her ass roughly, hoisting her up. "That's it, baby." He said.

"So... I believe you have a present for me?" Aurora said. "Yes. Though it's also a present for me." Granit said. "Oh? Let me guess. Is it celebratory champagne?" Aurora said. "Oh, it's so much better than that." Granit said. "Better than champagne? I'll believe it when I see it." Aurora said. Granit picks her up and throws her over his shoulder like a caveman.

Aurora squeals with laughter as he smacks her playfully on the ass. As soon as they enter the bedroom, Granit deposits Aurora on the bed with a soft thump. "Wait there." He told her. "Hm. You're acting very bossy." Aurora said. "You love it." Granit said. "I do not!" Aurora said. Granit presents her with a delicate gift bag. Biting her lip coyly, Aurora removes the tissue paper and reaches inside.

Her jaw drops open when she sees what he's bought her. She runs her fingers over the shimmery peach-pink silk and lace. The pearls catch the light, delicately luminescent. Granit bites his lip, hunger flaring in his dark eyes. "I saw it in the shop window and I had to get it. The pearls, the vintage style, it just instantly made me think of you." He said.

"After you put in all that effort to win the Bake-Off, I just wanted to do something nice." Aurora smiles at him. "Granit, that's so sweet. I can't believe you got this." She said. "What can I say? I like spoiling you." Granit said. "And I like being spoiled. We make a great match." Aurora said. Granit's lips meet hers. Every muscle in her body tingles, her limbs tangling with his as he deepens the kiss.

"Wear it for me, Ro." Granit said. Aurora slips into the delicate pink silk. It feels like heaven on her skin. Locking eyes with her, Granit begins to drape strings of expensive pearl around her neck. He lets out a low wolf whistle. He stands up to admire her. He looks almost drunk with lust. "Well?" Aurora lifts her eyebrows coyly, crossing her legs with a sultry grin. "Fucking hell." Granit scoops her into his arms, his hands hungry on every inch of her bare flesh he can reach.

With a squeal, Aurora wraps her legs around his hips, kissing him deeply. "That's how much I fucking like it. This definitely feels like more of a gift for me..." Granit said. "Are you going to unwrap me?" Aurora asked. "Later. First, I want to get a good look at you. You look fucking beautiful, Ro." Granit said. Aurora runs her hands over Granit's football kit, shrugging it from his strong shoulders so it falls to the floor.

Once he's in just his shorts, Aurora takes him by the shoulders and steers him to the bed. Bruises are already beginning to blossom all over his skin from the match. They look purple and angry. "Not pretty, are they?" Granit said. Aurora lifts onto her tiptoes to kiss the bruise darkening on his sharp cheekbones, soothing it with her lips. Granit lets out a low hiss of pain.

"Granit, tell me how I can make it better." Aurora said. "Just keep kissing me. Don't stop." Granit replied. Aurora's lips gently find his, tender and sweet. Granit reclines back in the sheets, looking hotter with his tattoos, scars, and his dark, hooded gaze. Aurora moves next to him, running her fingers gently over his body until she finds the familiar scar on his leg. "How does it feel?" She asked.

A rough swallow moves down the column of Granit's throat. He shrugs, trying to appear casual. "Fine." He said. "Granit, you don't have to pretend with me." Aurora said. Granit's eyes lift to meet hers. This time, she can see his walls crumbling. A glimpse of vulnerability, honest and true, shines through. "It hurts." He said. The admission is soft. It's making her chest twist, to know that he so rarely lets anyone see this side of himself.

"It's always more painful after a match." Granit said. "The scar is really not as bad as you think, you know. It's kind of beautiful, honestly. Like a battle wound. I just wish it didn't cause you any pain." Aurora said. Granit shakes his head at her, almost in disbelief. He looks at her as if she's magic. "It really doesn't bother you? The scar?" He asked. "No, Granit. Scars aren't something to be scared of. There something to be admired." Aurora said.

"It proves you're brave." She said. "I think you're giving me too much credit." Granit said. "Really? Because I don't think you give yourself enough." Aurora said. "You're not like anyone else I know, Ro." The softness in Granit's eyes makes her chest twist. "I saw you, by the way. At the match. I saw the way you handled that creep who's been stalking us, and Vanessa." Granit said.

"You handled him like a boss. I love that about you." Aurora's heart cartwheels in her chest, warming her all over. "I need a strong woman by my side, Ro." Granit said. Aurora closes the gap between their mouths, dragging Granit into a slow, lazy, toe-curling kiss. His breath spills warm between her lips, melting under her touch. "Can you turn over for me, baby?" Aurora asked.

"Why?" Granit asked. "I'll show you." Aurora said. Granit rolls onto his front. Aurora straddles his lower back, admiring the miles upon miles of ropy, tattooed muscle stretched out before her. From the nightstand, she takes a bottle of delicious-smelling oil and rubs it into her palms. The calming scent of sandalwood and eucalyptus fills the room. Granit sighs happily beneath her.

"Fun fact about bakers, all that kneading makes our hands really strong and skillful." Aurora said. "So you're an expert masseuse?" Granit asked. Aurora lowers her lips to Granit's ear, kissing the shell lightly. "You tell me." Aurora's fingers sink into the tough, knotted muscle of Granit's shoulders. Inch by inch, she breaks down the tight muscle.

"Fuck me, that feels amazing." Granit said. With a grin, Aurora moves further down his body. She kneads the globes of his ass, feeling the firm muscle. "Enjoying my assets, eh?" Granit asked. Aurora gives Granit's perfect ass a playful slap. "Very much so. It's very perky." She said. "So those squats are paying off." Granit said. "Turn over for me." Aurora said.

"Fuck this feels incredible. I'm a new man, Ro." Granit said. "It's a win-win. You get to feel good... and I get to feel up all these perfect muscles of yours." Aurora said. "You like those, huh?" Granit asked. "You know I do." Aurora said. Granit suddenly rolls over, capturing her in his arms. "Granit!" Aurora said. "What?" Granit asked. "I wasn't done with you yet." Aurora said. I want to tease him over his shorts. "Tease." Granit said. "That's my job, Granit." Aurora said.

A few moments later...

"You know what I'm really dying for now?" Granit asked. "A shower." He said. "I've got an even better idea. Let's take a bath." Aurora said. Suddenly, without warning, Granit scoops Aurora into his arms. "Granit, you've gone caveman on me again." Aurora said. "You like when I go caveman." Granit said. "I might." Aurora said.

Still carrying her in his arms as if she weighs nothing, Granit brings her into the bathroom. He sets her down on the counter and begins to fill the bath. Soon, tendrils of steam rise from the water. "You look like a gift, Ro. Now it's time to unwrap you." Granit said. "Go on, then. Unwrap me." Aurora said. "Much, much better." Granit said.

"The things I want to do to you... this is my favourite view." He said. Aurora smiles at leans into his chest. They both take in the moment of relaxing in the bath together. Once they're both cleaned up, Granit carries Aurora back to bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, gazing down at her softly.

Tentatively, he reaches out, his fingers brushing over the curve of Aurora's cheek. It looks like something heavy is weighing on his mind. "Hey. Someone's thinking hard." Aurora said. "I guess I am." Granit said. Aurora's heart starts to race. She can hear how hard Granit's own heart is beating. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you." He said. "And I think I might finally be ready."


Thank you for reading, vote+comment and I'll see you in the next one. Bye! 💕

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